
Meet Your Worst Enemy

You don't have to be an egomaniac to have an ego hold you back.
Posted Jun 15, 2016 
 tmcphotos/ShutterstockNo matter where you are and what you’re doing, your worst enemy is always with you—your ego.
“Not me,” you think. “No one would ever call me an egomaniac.” Maybe you’ve always thought of yourself as a pretty balanced person. But for any person with ambitions, talents, drives, and potential to fulfill, ego comes with the territory. Precisely what makes us so promising as thinkers, doers, creatives, and entrepreneurs—what drives us to the top of those fields—makes us vulnerable to this darker side of our psyche.
Freud described the ego with a famous analogy—our ego was the rider on a horse, with our unconscious drives representing the animal the ego tried to direct. Modern psychologists use the word “egotist” to refer to someone who is dangerously focused on themselves, with disregard for anyone else. Each of these definitions is true enough but of little value outside a clinical setting. The ego we see most commonly goes by a more colloquial definition—an unhealthy belief in your own importance. It is, as Bill Walsh put it, “where confidence becomes arrogance.”
Most of us aren’t egomaniacs, but ego is at the root of almost every conceivable problem and obstacle we have, from why we can’t win to why we need to win all of the time—and at the expense of others.
We don’t usually see it this way. We think something else is to blame for our problems—most often, other people. We are, as the poet Lucretius put it a few thousand years ago, the proverbial “sick man ignorant of the cause of his malady.” With every ambition and goal we have—big or small—ego is there, undermining us on the very journey we’ve put everything into pursuing.
Ego is the enemy of what you want and of what you have: Of mastering a craft. Of real creative insight. Of working well with others. Of building loyalty and support. Of longevity. Of repeating and retaining your success. It repulses advantages and opportunities. It’s a magnet for enemies and errors. The second you believe in your greatness, the artist Marina Abramovic explains, that’s the death of your creative career.
Pioneering CEO Harold Geneen compared egoism to alcoholism: “The egotist does not stumble about, knocking things off his desk. He does not stammer or drool. No, instead, he becomes more and more arrogant, and some people, not knowing what is underneath such an attitude, mistake his arrogance for a sense of power and self-confidence.” You could say they start to mistake that about themselves too, not realizing the disease they’ve contracted or that they’re killing themselves with it.
If ego is the voice that tells us we’re better than we really are, we can say ego inhibits true success by preventing a direct and honest connection to the world around us. One early member of Alcoholics Anonymous defined ego as “a conscious separation from.” From what? Everything.
The ways this separation manifests itself negatively are immense: We can’t work with other people if we’ve put up walls. We can’t improve the world if we don’t understand it or ourselves. We can’t take or receive feedback if we are incapable of, or uninterested in, hearing from outside sources.
We can’t recognize opportunities—or create them— if instead of seeing what is in front of us, we live inside our own fantasy. Without an accurate accounting of our own abilities compared to those of others, what we have is not confidence but delusion. How are we supposed to reach, motivate, or lead other people if we can’t relate to their needs because we’ve lost touch with our own?
Just one thing keeps ego around—since it certainly doesn’t serve any productive purpose. It is comfort. Pursuing great work—whether in sports, art, or business— is often terrifying. Ego soothes that fear. It’s a salve to our insecurity. Replacing the rational and aware parts of our psyche with bluster and self-absorption, ego tells us what we want to hear, when we want to hear it.
But it is a short-​term fix with a long-​term consequence. Which is why we must fight it.


4 Proven Ways to Show Yourself More Love

2. Write yourself a letter. (Really.)
Posted Feb 17, 2016 
 Aleshyn_Andrei/ShutterstockWhether we’re high-powered executives or stay-at-home parents, self-criticism is a tendency that many of us share. In fact we often think of self-criticism as key to self-improvement. We fall for the idea that self-criticism pushes us to perform better and to live up to higher standards—but we couldn’t be more wrong. Research shows that self-criticism is more akin to self-sabotage. It actually hurts our performance, productivity, and well-being.
Women in particular tend to be highly self-critical. They tend to blame themselves when they fail, and to attribute their successes to other people and circumstances. (Men tend to do the opposite—blame circumstances if they fail and attribute their wins to themselves.) This is one reason why women often fail to ask for promotions.
Here are the ways research shows self-criticism holds you back:
  • It keeps you focused on what’s wrong with you, thereby decreasing your confidence.
  • It makes you afraid of failure which hurts your performance, makes you give up more easily, and leads to poor decision-making.
  • It makes you less resilient in the face of failure and also less likely to learn from mistakes.
The benefits of self-compassion, "soft" as that concept may sound, is backed by hard data—much of which has been compiled by pioneer researcher Kristin Neff. Self-compassion has been linked to a host of benefits. It means treating yourself as you would a friend in times of failure or pain—with more understanding and kindness. It means remembering Alexander Pope’s quote that “to err is human” —we all make mistakes. And it means being mindful of your emotions and thoughts without over-identifying with them. Self-compassion doesn’t mean being overly self-indulgent but it also doesn’t involve beating yourself up to no avail.
Here’s how self-compassion can give you an extra edge:
  • It increases motivation and willpower.
  • It brings you greater perspective and therefore better decision-making.
  • It makes you more resilient: You more easily bounce back in the face of failure and learn from your mistakes.
  • It makes you more emotionally intelligent and therefore improves your relationships.
  • It lowers you stress levels and decreases feelings of being overwhelmed.
  • It boosts your psychological well-being and decreases anxiety and depression.
  • It improves your health.
Applying self-compassion can take some practice. Here are 4 empirically-validated ways to do so:
1. Notice your self-talk. Neff suggests that in times of failure or challenge, noticing your self-talk can help you curb self-criticism and replace it with self-compassion. For example, instead of saying things like, “How could I have done this? I’m such an idiot!” you might say, “I had a moment of absent-mindedness and that’s okay. It could have happened to anyone; it’s no big deal.”
2. Write yourself a letter. When your emotions are overwhelming, Neff suggests writing a letter to yourself as if you were writing to a friend. Let’s say you made a costly error and are feeling angry with yourself. It might feel stilted or strange at first, but write a letter as if you were writing it to someone dear to you who had committed the same mistake. Your words should comfort and not attack, normalizing the situation rather than blowing it out of proportion. A number of studies demonstrate that writing about your emotions can help regulate them.
3. Develop a self-compassion phrase. Neff suggests developing
 a self-compassion mantra or phrase that you can turn to in challenging situations, so you can deal with them calmly and with grace. Hers is: “This is a moment of suffering. Suffering is part of life. May I be kind to myself in this moment; may I give myself the compassion I need.”
4. Make a daily gratitude list. Write down five things you feel grateful for every day. Again, this may sound overly simplistic. However, this extremely short exercise has been shown to produce powerful and long-lasting results. To increase your self-compassion, at the end of each day, write down five things you are proud of having accomplished or five positive qualities you see in yourself.

The 3 Essential Elements of Attraction

... and how to develop each to land the kind of relationship you're looking for.
Posted Jun 21, 2016 
 Hrecheniuk Oleksii/ShutterstockWhen we think about dating and relating to a partner, being attractive and sexy often comes to mind. That feeling of attraction is the "chemistry" or spark that motivates us to be with another person—and them with us.
But what makes someone attractive? Is it looks, resources, behavior, intelligence, or something more unique and special? With a little effort, we could probably think of someone who is attractive for each of those reasons. We could also find examples of people who are sexy for some other quality altogether. As a result, even if we have a preferred "type," we rarely have a good idea as to what is attractive—and why.
I have given these questions a lot of thought over the years, and written quite a few articles on the topic. Looking back, I see there are actually a few different ways to be attractive and desirable to a partner. However, which way (or ways) each of us decides to be attractive depends on our own traits, and what kind of relationship we're looking for.
Physical Attractiveness: Looking Sexy
We all know that looks are important for attraction. What most people do not realize is that looks are more-or-less important, depending on the type of relationship you want—and what else you bring to the exchange with your partner. Usually, short-term and more exclusively sexual relationships require the most physical attractiveness, with looks becoming of lesser importance as relationships lean toward intimacy, sharing, and long-term support.
In any case, the physical features that tend to be the most attractive to others are the ones that serve as the best indicators of health and fitness. Because these features can change with our health over time, however, this also means that the most attractive features are those most under our control to manage, too. Things like proper grooming and basic physical fitness, then, may be more important than having the perfect chest or the most symmetrical nose.
For those who do not have the perfect physique, clothing can play a role in physical attraction too. The right outfit can flatter and display our more attractive features, while hiding or downplaying others. The right color outfit, or a pair of sexy shoes, can add to attraction as well. Beyond that, clothing and accessories also send a social message about your (potential) resources. That may not be bad, because people have sex for a number of reasons. Nevertheless, putting too much emphasis on fancy clothing may leave you wondering whether a lover is cozying up to get closer to your body—or your wallet.
Psychological Attractiveness: Creating Connections
On the opposite end of the spectrum are the psychological traits and features that we find attractive. These features are more motivating for longer-term and emotionally intimate connections. Unfortunately, relying on them alone poses some difficulties: Just as relying solely on looks may get you a series of hookups that fizzle out, focusing on personality alone may result in deep friendship connections without a sexual spark (i.e. the "friend zone").
Nevertheless, psychological attractiveness is still an important influence in relationships, especially long-term ones. Usually such attractiveness is displayed through a pleasant and cheerful personality, which seems to bring the best out in others, and in one's self. These attractive individuals often develop a unique style, perspective, and/or skill to share with others that separates them from the crowd.
Most of the time, these traits are conveyed through verbal communication. Therefore, developing psychological attractiveness involves learning the skills to develop rapport with others. This may include having conversations that create a feeling of intimacy and connection, as well as discussing topics that pique sexual and romantic interest. Overall, having something positive and unique to say—and saying it with skill and style—can make you quite attractive in the psychological sense. Just be sure to follow it up with something more than words if you'd like the relationship to be physical, too.
Behavioral Attractiveness: Making Bold Moves
Behavioral attractiveness lies somewhere between the physical and psychological realms. This type of attractiveness is what people are generally referring to when they say that confidence can be sexy. Sometimes people are attractive and desirable simply for the way they act and move. They may have just the right body language to be both aloof and engaging. They might also make the most alluring and exciting eye contact. They know how to smile, flirt, and get noticed with their behavior.
Beyond body language, touch also plays an important role in behavioral attractiveness. In fact, touch is an essential way to communicate and influence without words. When done in the right way, touching can make someone feel more attracted to you. Touch can also increase physical intimacy, which makes passionate kissing (and sexual activity) more likely. Further, touching communicates friendliness and high-status on your part, making a touch more likely to elicit agreement and acceptance.
These behaviors are often a way to display confidence and high-status. As such, partners may be attracted to the allure of the behaviors themselves—or they may be interested in the status they think the behaviors indicate. In other words, you may find yourself needing some other trait or feature to back up these bold moves. In combination with a bit of physical attractiveness, such behaviors can really entice a lover. Combined with some psychological attractiveness, the same behaviors can help create a lasting connection.
Finding Your Own Style of Attraction
Making ourselves attractive and selecting an attractive mate requires trade-offs. Each of us is different, and we have only so much opportunity to work on developing attractive traits, in various ways, to ultimately get the kind of relationship we want. On the plus side, that means no one is perfect—so you don't have to be perfect either. Nevertheless, we do have to focus on developing the features that can help us have a satisfying social life.
To increase your chances of getting a satisfying and compatible partner, focus first on your strengths and preferred style(s) of attractiveness. Do what comes best and most naturally to you. After that, work on other skills and traits that may help you establish the kinds of relationships you want. You don't have to master everything, but try your best to improve areas that may impose serious limitations for socializing (e.g., poor hygiene, gloomy personality, extreme shyness, etc.). Then go out and find a partner who will appreciate those qualities and be attracted to what you have to offer!

愛麗兒的心理悄悄話 消除憂慮,最好的解藥就是行動 6/22/2016 6:14:39 PM 人氣: 12272 「消除憂慮,最好的解藥就是行動」 前幾年因為先生外派,我隨著他到國外生活兩年,很多人投以羨慕的眼光,甚至聽到朋友說,真羨慕妳,不必背負工作的壓力了。 事實上,因著外派,我決定辭去多年的經理工作,很單純想與他共同面對陌生的環境與生活.但前三個月,我很明顯發現自己有了輕微憂鬱症,老公擔心治安不好不讓我單獨出門,而忙碌的工作人生突然變成煮飯婆,如同看門狗等著先生回來吃飯.我在日記上寫著:原來狐狸被小王子眷養的感覺是這樣,我不喜歡。(註:看門狗的比喻是因為我覺得我一整天就是在等吃飯,沒有鄙視家庭主婦) 沒有朋友的我,一個人開始胡思亂想,煩惱萬一老公外派不順利,我又沒收入,那未來該怎麼辦?該不該去找工作,萬一找到了,老公又調回台灣,該怎麼辦?我年紀不小了,回台會不會找不到工作?甚至,開始煩惱如果現在有壞人進來,我可以打給誰,地址可不可以快速背出來?老公出差兩個禮拜,我的煩惱變成,如果現在暴斃家中,等老公回家,應該已經變成乾屍.那怎麼辦?開朗的我失去動力,不想出門,動不動就想哭,不想與人接觸,甚至連買菜都上網送貨到府。 有天,閨蜜從佛州打給我,問我最近好嗎?我淚流不止,委屈的心情傾然而出,沒敢跟老公說出的滿腹憂慮,拼了命跟她哭訴。 她說:多少人羨慕妳的生活,妳居然把自己過的像個糟婦?妳把時間耗在憂慮上,到底是逃避什麼?憂慮有讓妳生活變好嗎?憂慮只是妳停滯不前的理由,妳自以為可以避免冒險,事實上,妳只是給自己找藉口,攻擊妳逃避的這些理由。 她鼓勵我,每天都出門,不可以待在家裡.”而消除憂慮最好的方式就是行動”。 閨蜜的當頭棒喝,我想起自己曾是雜誌社西文翻譯,當天晚上,我發了封E-mail給合作過翻譯社,並跟對方解釋所有文件都用Email交稿.沒想到,因為時間空擋多,翻譯速度快又好,稿件如雪花般飛來。也因為心情的轉變,我開始享受煮飯的快樂, 一道又一道的美食,滿足老公和自己。原來,我並不討厭待在家煮飯,而是,那時我的心生病了,做什麼都不開心。 但是,過不久,我發現自己需要接觸人群,因為,我需要跟人講話!口齒伶俐的我居然開始口吃!鼓勵自己接觸當地教會,教會朋友熱心提供城內好玩的地方,我一周拜訪一個地點,拍照寫心得,回家與老公分享。我找回自己,不再煩惱抱怨。老公感受到老婆的開朗回來了,我不再胡思亂想,過去那些煩惱的事也沒再想起過.正面吸引力法則,我的生活越來越精彩,也越開心. 然而,很明顯<角色轉換(Role Switching)>的棒子從我頭上狠狠一擊,從有成就感的上班女性,變成持家的家庭主婦,好像過去努力的一切突然被打破,高薪水變成領零用錢.我對自己失去信心,也失去價值。需要工作夥伴的我,也剩下與老公相依為命.老公工作上有同事,而我卻只剩下鏡子裡的自己。 不知道,妳是否也經歷過這樣的轉換? 被調單位,轉換跑道,一切重來? 多彩多姿的OL變成柴米油鹽的媽媽? 結婚後,需要當稱職的老婆,也要當個懂事的媳婦? 我將自己的心情與妳分享.開朗而有自信的我,儘管父母親十年內相繼過世,我都勇敢爬起來,但是,我卻在角色轉換的過程踏入憂鬱症.人家羨慕幸福的時刻,卻曾是我的谷底。 別羨慕別人的人生,因為適合她,不一定適合妳。 好憂鬱,想改變,卻害怕踏出去,害怕失敗怎麼辦?憂慮越來越多,心情越來越壞? 朋友鼓勵我的話,今天也與妳分享:把時間耗在憂慮上,到底是在逃避什麼?憂慮只是妳停滯不前的理由。事實上,妳只是給自己找藉口,妳不想改變,卻羨慕別人。 Dr.Wayne W.Dyer博士,美國著名心理學大師曾說:「只有缺乏安全感的人,才會努力爭取安全」 我們的文化鼓勵我們要做有把握的事情,卻也讓我們忘記探索是一件美好的事。妳活了三十年,是真正活了三十年,還是只是活了三十個一年呢? 只有妳,能找到妳自己生命的出口.停止憂慮,今天就行動吧!


6/22/2016 6:14:39 PM

事實上,因著外派,我決定辭去多年的經理工作,很單純想與他共同面對陌生的環境與生活.但前三個月,我很明顯發現自己有了輕微憂鬱症,老公擔心 治安不好不讓我單獨出門,而忙碌的工作人生突然變成煮飯婆,如同看門狗等著先生回來吃飯.我在日記上寫著:原來狐狸被小王子眷養的感覺是這樣,我不喜歡。 (註:看門狗的比喻是因為我覺得我一整天就是在等吃飯,沒有鄙視家庭主婦)
沒有朋友的我,一個人開始胡思亂想,煩惱萬一老公外派不順利,我又沒收入,那未來該怎麼辦?該不該去找工作,萬一找到了,老公又調回台灣,該怎 麼辦?我年紀不小了,回台會不會找不到工作?甚至,開始煩惱如果現在有壞人進來,我可以打給誰,地址可不可以快速背出來?老公出差兩個禮拜,我的煩惱變 成,如果現在暴斃家中,等老公回家,應該已經變成乾屍.那怎麼辦?開朗的我失去動力,不想出門,動不動就想哭,不想與人接觸,甚至連買菜都上網送貨到府。
閨蜜的當頭棒喝,我想起自己曾是雜誌社西文翻譯,當天晚上,我發了封E-mail給合作過翻譯社,並跟對方解釋所有文件都用Email交稿.沒 想到,因為時間空擋多,翻譯速度快又好,稿件如雪花般飛來。也因為心情的轉變,我開始享受煮飯的快樂, 一道又一道的美食,滿足老公和自己。原來,我並不討厭待在家煮飯,而是,那時我的心生病了,做什麼都不開心。
但是,過不久,我發現自己需要接觸人群,因為,我需要跟人講話!口齒伶俐的我居然開始口吃!鼓勵自己接觸當地教會,教會朋友熱心提供城內好玩的 地方,我一周拜訪一個地點,拍照寫心得,回家與老公分享。我找回自己,不再煩惱抱怨。老公感受到老婆的開朗回來了,我不再胡思亂想,過去那些煩惱的事也沒 再想起過.正面吸引力法則,我的生活越來越精彩,也越開心.
然而,很明顯<角色轉換(Role Switching)>的棒子從我頭上狠狠一擊,從有成就感的上班女性,變成持家的家庭主婦,好像過去努力的一切突然被打破,高薪水變成領零用錢. 我對自己失去信心,也失去價值。需要工作夥伴的我,也剩下與老公相依為命.老公工作上有同事,而我卻只剩下鏡子裡的自己。





Dr.Wayne W.Dyer博士,美國著名心理學大師曾說:「只有缺乏安全感的人,才會努力爭取安全」



  • 文章出處:康健雜誌203期
  • 2015.10.01
  • 作者 : 林貞岑
  • 圖片來源 : 馬景平


































「紙本書放鬆效果比較好,」謝伯讓解釋,紙本書可以很明確看到書的大小、厚度,可自行決定閱讀順序、模式,看到哪兒想休息,比較能夠自行調整;但電子書或 在平板上閱讀較吃力,眼睛位置不斷滑動,找尋翻頁較費力,也較損耗精神,閱讀流暢度差,吸收的效果有限,「對大腦來說是種干擾,」謝伯讓解釋,平板電子產 品其他連結多,容易分心,且發出藍光造成眼睛疲憊、干擾睡眠,因此睡前不建議閱讀平板或電子書。紙本書較令人放鬆,也可享受閱讀的節奏和樂趣。












● 單手抬手舉高10秒。


● 左手則握拳扠腰,同時吐氣,




文字:Travis Travie, ChenNini  VOGUE.TW |  更新:9/2/2014  1 YEAR AGO
 妳已經不是20出頭歲的女孩了,將近30歲的妳,已經離開校園生活好一陣子。或許妳住在發達的都會中,有著熱愛的職業,但妳卻漸漸發現身邊的好朋友似乎愈 來愈少?!想找到一個人陪妳去哪去哪都好困難?好友們相繼走入婚姻家庭,或到國外工作各奔東西,距離遠了,聯絡少了,妳感到孤單卻不願承認。或許妳認識的 人多了,但他們真的知道妳過得好不好嗎?Heather Havrilesky在有著超過50年歷史的美國雜誌《紐約New York》網站旗下的時尚頻道《The Cut》中,建議女人的後20年代該如何經營新的人際關係。
 首先,在人群中企盼著有人會主動來和妳攀談或是一起玩,這實在有點可遇不可求。「他們已經有自己的朋友圈了。」妳如此告訴自己,於是站在角落,假裝滿足地 在做某件事。這個行為若是發生在孩童身上,或許可以被接受;但是身為一位成人,它代表妳拉起了保護的偽裝:我不需要任何人,我很好!
 所以第一件事妳必須了解,其實大多數與妳相同年齡層的人都差不多,即便從外表上看不出來。後20年代是女性感到最沒朋友的絕望高峰,讓事情更糟的 是,這個年紀的女性對於自己沒朋友感到忸怩,更難跨出新的一步。通常後20年代的女性,即便是有社交障礙或者常感到孤獨,找朋友或是找對象的標準仍然相當 高。總覺得沒有人夠聰明或是夠有趣,能夠完美的了解自己每一吋受過折磨的心靈。
妳要知道的第二件事,就是為了能在自然的情況下結交到親密的朋友,妳必須撒下一片人際大網,學會接納並且給它時間。不能再用20幾歲的急躁戰略,急 著獵捕到完美的BFF(Best Friend Forever)。有些能與妳成為最親密、一輩子的朋友們,在妳們相識的前5-6年,反而看不出未來竟與妳如此要好。重要的是去瞭解誰在乎妳、聆聽妳、對 妳真誠,誰感謝妳並接受妳的缺點,誰在對的時間說對的話…,這些是需要時間的。

 在20幾歲的時候,友情和認同是綁在一起的。如果妳不是個能把界線劃分清楚的人,那麼結交與自己截然不同的朋友,說不定還有點危險。想要和非我族類保持距 離,是一件很正常的事,畢竟誰也不想在自己真誠的訴說經歷時,對方卻看來相當困惑或是厭煩;但隨著年紀增長,妳知道自己是怎麼樣的人了,妳就不介意去認識 那些並不真正了解妳的人。其實認識相異性大的朋友是件好事,可藉此接觸新事物,也幫助自己練習,準備好成為一個更好、更具有接納性的朋友、夥伴、父母、同 事,或是任何角色。

隨著妳交了愈多新朋友,妳會漸漸發現,沒有人覺得自己朋友已經「足夠」了,他們也不會排斥交新朋友。妳覺得他們已經有自己的朋友圈,但事實上,即使那些忙 碌又擅長社交的人,仍對於認識新朋友保持非常開放的態度─你們在派對、讀書會、酒吧、卡拉OK或是保齡球館上相遇,他們對妳充滿好奇,而且並不在意妳是否 和他們很相像─人通常比他們看起來友善,有趣的人知道 有趣的人有著各種形狀、尺寸、以及年齡。(Interesting people know that interesting people come in all shapes, sizes, and ages.)理想目標不是要妳結交一堆和妳不同的朋友,但是妳必須出門去試試看,不能太挑剔,打開妳的心。

 現在的妳,不能和一群BFF一起玩通宵,而妳也不該再出現於這樣的場合中了。只需要偶爾和一些朋友們出去,大部分時間用來練習聆聽、與別人產生連結。輕鬆 的現身社交場合,找到屬於妳的空間,感受當下氛圍,並做好與人交談的準備。做得愈多之後,就會感到愈快樂,即便一輩子的朋友沒有馬上出現,仍然應該為人生 未來的20年都要做的(這件事)做準備。並不是加入一群大型朋友圈之後,就可以偷懶不再交朋友,人生並非如此,事實是我們都會生老病死,會相逢,也會離 開。

努力讓自己進入對的環境,人們會主動找上妳。別因為好的友誼沒有馬上出現而感到沮喪,必須保持信念,繼續嘗試,並認同這對妳和別人都是有幫助的。生活不是 完美的,世界也不是個完美的地方,開心地和不甚完美的人交往,同時也別要求自己完美。先把標準放低,打開心胸,讓他們進入妳的生命。




Home Remedies for Premature Graying of Hair

One of the most common issues of adults at the age between 20 and 30 is premature aging of their hair, which is often a result of stress, sinusitis, genetic predisposition, poor nutrition, hormonal fluctuations, thyroid disorders, and chronic colds.
The color of the hair is due to melanin, and in the case of its reduced amounts, it becomes gray or white. This pigment’s activity is lowered with age, so the body slowly stops its production.
Fortunately, grayish strands can be solved in a natural way. Initially, you should make sure your diet is rich in vitamins and minerals like iodine, iron, Vitamin B, and copper in order to prevent further development of the problem.
These are the best natural treatments for premature graying of the hair:
1.Indian Gooseberry
Indian gooseberry, or Amla, helps in the case of hair issues such as hair loss, premature graying, and dull hair. This fruit has potent anti-aging properties due to the high amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants. You can try consuming it, or applying amla pulp or amla oil directly on your hair.
You should boil few dried Indian gooseberries or amla powder in a coconut oil, leave it to cool and apply it on the scalp and hair. Leave it to act until the next morning, and then wash the hair. This treatment should be repeated twice a week. Another way to use it is to mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with a tablespoon of amla pulp and massage the scalp before going to sleep. Wash it off the next morning.
You may also mix almond oil and Indian gooseberry juice, and apply it on the hair to prevent graying of your hair and boost the hair growth.
2.Curry Leaves
Curry leaves can help you stimulate the hair’s pigmentation if you mix it with coconut oil. This combination may also be used as a hair tonic.
Pour a tablespoon of coconut oil in a pan, add a few fresh curry leaves and boil them until they get charred. Then, stir and apply it on the hair. Leave it to act for 30-45 minutes, and rinse it off. Repeat this twice a week.
Moreover, it would be very helpful to drink curry juice daily.
Henna strengthens the lustrous locks and darkens the hair. You should make a paste of a tablespoon of coffee powder, ground henna leaves, 3 tablespoons of Indian gooseberry powder, and some plain yogurt. Then, apply the paste on the hair and leave it to dry. Rinse as usually, and repeat once or twice a month.
You can also mix some hot black coffee with henna powder, in order to get a mixture with the consistency of yogurt, and cover it to stand for a few hours.  Then, apply the mask on the hair, leave it to act for 3 hours, and then wash it off with a shampoo.
You can also use the amazing benefits of henna if you boil some henna leaves in mustard or coconut oil, until they are charred, and apply the mixture on the hair. 
4.Lemon Juice and Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is extremely beneficial and has a wide range of uses. It stimulates the hair growth, moisturizes it, fights infections. Moreover, it is high in antioxidants, so its longer use effectively reverses the gray hair.
You should add three tablespoons of lemon juice in some coconut oil, apply their combination to the hair, and massage the scalp. Leave it to act for 1 hour, and then wash it off with a shampoo. Repeat this treatment once a week.
5.Sage and Rosemary
Sage and rosemary are extremely effective in darkening gray hairs. You should add half a cup of dried leaves of these herbs in a pot with 2 cups of water. Boil the leaves and leave them for several hours.
Then, strain and use it to rinse the hair after shampooing. Leave it to act for 15-20 minutes, and then wash it off. Do this treatment once a week.
6.Blackstrap Molasses
This is a popular home remedy for graying hair, as it produces a pigment which effectively reduces gray hair.
The consumption of blackstrap molasses will provide 14 percent of the recommended daily dosage of copper, as well as high amounts of iron, magnesium, and selenium. Hence, you should take a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses every morning for a few months.
7.Onion Juice
Onion juice is of great help in this case, and experts claim that graying of the hair is due to accumulation of hydrogen peroxide at the bases of hair follicles bases, and this juice supports the production of catalase.
Therefore, you should massage the scalp with onion juice, leave it to act for half an hour, and rinse. Repeat on a daily basis for a few weeks.
8.Black tea
Black tea efficiently darkens and softens the hair, and it will also provide a fantastic shine. You should boil 2 tablespoons of the tea in a cup of water, then add a teaspoon of salt, and let it cool. Use the tea to wash the hair a few times, and leave it to act for 20 minutes on the last time.
Afterward, wash it off with cold water, but do not use a shampoo. Repeat this procedure once or twice a week, and you can also add some ground coffee to your hair conditioner to boost the effects.
9. Amaranth
Amaranth effectively restores the natural hair color, fights hair loss, and prevents graying. You should wash the hair, apply fresh juice extracted from the amaranth leaves on the hair and scalp, and rinse with water.
10. Black Sesame Seeds
Black sesame seeds as genuinely efficient in treating the reason for early graying of hair, as they support melanocyte activity to boost the production of melanin.
Via: http://www.fhfn.org/home-remedies-premature-graying-hair/


10 Ways to Get Past Loneliness

... and accept that you need people.
Posted Apr 08, 2016 
 Antonio Guillem/ShutterstockLoneliness is a killer. It not only hurts emotionally, but triggers the secretion of stress hormones that damage our organs over time.1 In fact, ongoing loneliness is rated as high a risk factor for mortality as smoking. While most people acknowledge the primal need for love and support in the young, there is much reluctance to acknowledge the need in mature adults. We receive ways to overcome the “want of intimacy”—as psychoanalyst Frieda Fromm-Reichmann defined loneliness—to no avail. But the need for others is like the need for food. Deny it and you will suffer. Nature has hardwired us to seek connectedness, rewarding those who have it with happiness and longevity while depressing the psyches and immune systems of those who don’t.
Unfortunately, we increasingly isolate: 35% of a representative sample of 3,012 people age 45 or older reported loneliness in a survey the AARP commissioned in 2010.2 And the problem is likely much greater than numbers suggest. Because American culture touts independence, there is shame associated with revealing the primitive need to be seen and understood. Some pretend to be well connected: “I am all booked out,” says the adolescent who posts selfies incessantly. Many adults pretend to have transcended this primitive stage, making the rest of us feel defective or unexcelled.
There are other ways to escape the painful, shameful truth of loneliness—to medicate it away, either with prescription and illegal drugs or with various forms of distractions, such as mindless consumption, porn, incessant work, or getting lost in endless entertainment. Take the latter: Many claim to be perplexed about the recent political success of Donald Trump. Thousands of voters, it seems, not only overlook the insults on the campaign trail and the apparent impulsive behavior, they love it. The entire political spectrum has become more entertaining, with media helping, of course. Politics has become an amusing, a non-stop reality show with the highest stakes in which we get to play a key role.
The other day I listened to a radio show about how video games are going to become an all-engrossing 360-degree experience. In a very sad voice the radio host concluded, “Who needs reality?”
“We do,” I dare to say. While it hurts to realize when we are disconnected or not connected deeply enough, it is worse to self-medicate, pretend, and give way to obsessions. Fleeing reality is not a solution, but a temporary band-aid over a wound that only gets deeper when left unattended. We might not feel lonely while drugged or distracted, but we still are. Our emptiness grows deeper as we lose the will to struggle and the ability to feel empathy.
The other day I saw a mother in a café struggling to get the attention of her young son. He was playing a computer game that required him to periodically utter certain phrases, which bothered everybody else around him. Every time the mother said something, he looked annoyed, but he did not look up. Eventually she left him to his device. Our kids spend countless hours before screens, seemingly with no one able to stop them. In fact, many parents welcome the cheap babysitter. And instead of warning against too much screen time, many teachers require their students to get their teaching online. The truth is, many kids get minimal time to learn the necessary communication skills to engage in meaningful connections, beginning with basic manners and awareness of others.
Ironically, the means that we have invented to distract us from our loneliness are causing us to feel lonelier than ever before.
What is there to do? While this list won’t reach the world—unless the post goes viral!—there are things you personally can do to reduce, but not flee loneliness:
  1. Lose your fear of others, if necessary with the help of psychotherapy.
  2. Learn how to connect by letting yourself be awkward as you talk directly to others about authentic experiences. Be selective with whom to be frank, but be sincere with everybody.
  3. Educate yourself about how connections work. Connectedness is the most important ingredient to happiness. You might benefit from reading Chapter Six of A Unified Theory of Happiness. It breaks connections down into 10 building blocks, helping us see our blind spots.
  4. Join a group, such as a church, or a meditation or gym class.
  5. Speak with God, if you are a theist. According to neuroscience, the brain does not distinguish between talking to a person or God. If you are an atheist or agnostic, pour your heart out to the ocean or existence in general.
  6. Get a pet. Knowing and caring for a pet while receiving its love reduces your “want of intimacy.”
  7. Accept that you need people. People do need people, and there is nothing neurotic or immature about this need.
  8. Accept that you are bound to feel lonely sometimes. Everybody does. Don’t shame yourself for it.
  9. Stop distracting yourself from loneliness with online activities, work, consumption, or general business. All of these things are fine in measure. But if they prevent you from seeking and relating to a partner or from other meaningful relationships, put your foot down. While feeling lonely is hard, it motivates you to wrestle with the issue.
  10. Practice compassion. When you feel lonely, embrace and take care of yourself. When another person feels lonely, embrace her or him and find out if you can help. Remember, we are all sitting in the same boat.
Mahatma Gandhi said, “The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but it is fear.” Look at your loneliness; stare it in the face. It’s hard to tolerate and confront it head-on because we fear getting stuck in permanent isolation. It is not the pain of loneliness that keeps us in an endless loop of numbing and distracting ourselves, but the fear of not being able to come out of it. With or without extra psychological support, losing this fear brings awareness and with it, a more fulfilling and happier life.


文字:Sandy  VOGUE.TW |  圖片:TPG, _natsuumikun_IG |  更新:12/30/2015  5 MONTHS AGO
Hey 不要再等了,現在就一起開始30天的挑戰吧!
Day 1: 追蹤至少一個帥哥/正妹的instagram or Facebook
Day 2: 發揮想像力,寫下你希望未來伴侶有的條件
Day 3: 認真思考並寫下你不希望未來伴侶有的條件
Day 4: 拍下最不要臉卻最有自信魅力的自拍照
Day 5: 去從未去過的地方喝個一杯,期待美好豔遇
Day 6: 毫不掩飾並大方地向吸引你的人拋媚眼
Day 7: 下載新的約會APP並試試看與一個投緣的對象聊聊
Day 8: 揪好閨蜜去報名參加聯誼
Day 9: 主動給你在意的某人你的手機號碼或LINE
Day 10: 與單身的朋友們策畫個狂歡夜或是一起做個大餐
Day 11: 策劃夜遊,並請朋友帶你不認識的人來擴大生活圈
Day 12: 再度聯繫那些曾經錯過時機認識的人
Day 13: 找交友APP或網路上認識、從未謀面的人出來碰面
Day 14: 下定決心全面封鎖前男友/女友
Day 15: 充滿好奇心的與陌生人聊
Day 16: 與女生閨蜜去KTV歡唱一整夜
Day 17: 24小時不看Facebook 或任何社交軟體
Day 18: 已讀不回或不讀不回那些利益交換、床上關係、曖昧不明的朋友
Day 19: 狠狠的扔掉前男/女友送的某樣東西
Day 20: 保持好一整天的正面思考與正面能量
Day 21: 在晚上看你最愛的電影以及吃最愛吃的食物,垃圾食物也沒關係喔
Day 22: 加入一直很有興趣新社團或新課程,像是新語言或是廚藝課和飛輪
Day 23: 買一件讓自己驚豔的小禮服或連身裙,並在這星期穿上它出門
Day 24: 和好姊妹聚餐,事先規定不討論戀情發展或曖昧的話題
Day 25: 獨自出門逛逛,或是帶寵物出門散步,到戶外觀賞沿途風景
Day 26: 事不宜遲,決定在喜歡的那個對象 Facebook 上留下曖昧訊息
Day 27: 在房間某處佈置對過去情人的紀念y
Day 28: 洗個泡泡浴,並點上香氛蠟燭與浪漫音樂寵愛自己
Day 29: 虛心的向長輩或戀愛高手請教戀愛建議和任何愛情的do and don't
Day 30: 早起吃早餐,花上一整天盡量玩樂,不擔心任何事情和計畫


文字:Sandy  VOGUE.TW |  來源:大田出版《為什麼女人向左走,男人向右走?》 |  更新:2/24/2016  3 MONTHS AGO
 珍奧斯汀曾說:年輕女性被告白時,就算心裡想接受,通常還是會先拒絕,而且有時候還會拒絕兩次。 」女人細膩的心思,對於男人來說就像難捉摸的天氣無法預測佛洛伊德也曾表示:儘管我已經研究女人三十年了,也還是無法回答這個問題,那就是「女人要的到底是什麼」? 女人與其總是在腦中心中與自己拉扯,不如坦率地面對愛情,因為男人向右走女人向左走想的不同,當有想法或想說的話坦率一些說出會對戀情更有幫助,來看看以下男女在面對不同狀況時的想法

為了公事去赴約,距離約好的時間五點還有十五分鐘真是好運的一天,窗邊還有張空的桌子。雖 然桌上擺了一個杯子,看起來像是有人剛離開還沒整理,但因為是靠窗的位子,所以我還是坐了下來。跟我有約的人也稍微提早到了。之後,有個陌生的男人走了過 來,對與我有約的男人打招呼,接著便拿起放在桌上的水杯,自然地喝了起來。「你怎麼知道這裡是我的位子?」他問。看來他就是這杯水杯的主人。「不好意思, 因為我有事要跟後輩見一下,所以就請他過來這裡了。」來跟我見面的人急忙解釋。他,是跟我有約的人的後輩。用眼神和他打招呼時,我的心臟不由自主地開始狂 跳。我無法不去意識他的存在,他們嚴肅地談論著認真的話題時,我的心卻像孩子一樣撲通撲通地跳。當我為了心跳聲會不會被聽到而焦慮時,與我有約的男人開口 問:「時間允許的話,要不要三個人一起吃晚餐呢?」萬歲!不用就這樣分開了⋯⋯我當然是贊成啊!不過,嘴巴說出來的卻是:「沒關係,兩位去吃吧。」
如果那位後輩再約一次,我說不定會裝出半推半就的樣子跟他們去,但是他卻完全不在乎,淡然地坐在位子上,說出了一句話:「哥,這位小姐可能有其他的 約吧。」讓我從剛剛就開始小鹿亂撞的男人,他的無所謂就像一把匕首插在我的心上。我安撫著跳得比剛才還猛烈的心臟,因為絕對不能被發現它正在撲通亂跳。

為了跟前輩見面,我急忙前往約好的地方。前輩說之前還有別的約,但因為我有很重要的事要跟前輩談,所以就先過去了。在那裡,我偶然遇見了一個女人。 我知道前輩有約,但是不知道跟他有約的是女人。奇怪的是,雖然和男人相處時感覺很輕鬆,但每次和女人見面都讓我感到不太自在。我今天也很慌張,不過多虧了 前輩,我尷尬的模樣才沒有被發現。她是個看起來很大方的女人,但「大方」似乎不是她的全部;她是個明明不笨,卻懂得在必要時裝笨的女人;她親切溫和,但那 好像也不是她的全部。不知道為什麼,我被那個女人吸引了。
她讓我越看越喜歡,可是前輩找我們三個人一起吃飯時,她卻一口氣回絕了。我的老毛病又開始犯了—只要遇到女人就會變得沒有自信的症狀,雖然心裡想 說:「不要這樣,抽出點時間跟我們一起吃飯吧!」但嘴裡說出來的卻是:「這位小姐可能有其他的約吧。」真是不像話到了極點。我連邀喜歡的女生一起吃飯都說 不出口,簡單來說就是沒出息。

煩惱著今天要穿什麼衣服的時候,我想起上禮拜買的新衣服,突然覺得興致高昂,那是特別為了今天而買的衣服,竟然把它給忘了。快速地解決了衣服的問題 後,好想趕快見到他。今天是我們交往一年的日子。他昨天突然找我見面的時候,我其實有一點慌張,心想:「他該不會是記錯我們一週年的日子了吧?」幸好不 是。因為猜錯了,我變得更興奮。他說不定是故意讓我覺得今天見過,明天不用見,偷偷在準備驚喜派對。我的心撲通撲通地跳。但是⋯⋯太陽都下山了,他還是沒 消沒息,難道他忘了今天是我們交往一週年嗎?不祥的預感浮上心頭。什麼驚喜派對,原來他根本不記得⋯⋯

今天在圖書館待了一整天,但是跟昨天一樣,什麼都讀不進去。所以,我決定變更待到半夜的計畫,提前離開圖書館。要去哪?要做什麼?猶豫了一下,我決 定去大型書店。每次因為未來而感到茫然和煩悶時,我就會到書店翻翻書,沉澱自己的心情。去書店的路上,雜亂的念頭不停地浮現。當兵、工作、戀愛⋯⋯三項課 題好像同時重重壓在肩膀上。今天在書店,眼裡只看得到昨天女友說的書—朋友推薦她一定要讀讀看,所以她問我有沒有看過的那本。看來我的心今天還是向著她。 買了書之後,我打算去她家,所以打了電話給她,但是她沒有接。如果是有訊號但沒有接,我反而不會那麼介意;但是把手機關機不接的話,就讓人非常擔心,


文字:Sandy  VOGUE.TW |  更新:3/21/2016  3 MONTHS AGO
1. 研究結果顯示:「男性比女性更懂浪漫」,這也是為什麼情侶分手時,可能會聽到男生說出各種不可理喻的原因,「感覺變了」、「我們之間沒有愛情了」…,對男生來說,在一段感情裡,他們對「愛」的需求更勝於女性。
2. 根據心理學研究:送花是浪漫的表現,也是讓愛情增溫最直接的方法,卻容易讓對方感到「太浪漫」、「不可靠」,因此耍浪漫之餘,別忘了要拿出你的真心真意。
3. 踏入愛河的人,常常會情不自禁地關注心儀的對象,現在研究證實了:「雙方越常凝視彼此,就越容易墜入愛河」,原來一直偷看喜歡的人也是有科學根據的啊!另外,若頻繁地眉目傳情,表示兩人可能都已經對對方產生情愫了。
4. 演藝圈的男星在成為爸爸以後,常常人氣不減反增,在孩子面前的溫柔形象更是迷倒一票粉絲。然而對廣泛的男生來說,不需要當到爸爸,光是閒聊一些關於孩子的話題,就能無意間增添女生難以抵擋的魅力,進而為戀情加溫。
5. 你相信嗎?跟不太浪漫的人談戀愛,反而更有可能建立起長久而穩固的戀情。過去的感情經驗、父母的相處模式,都會在無形之中,影響自己未來在愛情或婚姻中的選擇。
6. 愛情裡的「無縫接軌」看似是自私而傷人的行為,但研究結果驚人地顯示,有98%的人都是在現任伴侶出現之後,才主動結束前一段感情;沒有第三者介入而單純提出分手的人,僅有稀少的2%。
7. 童話故事裡的「true love kiss」可以治百病,在科學研究上,看著心愛的人或其照片,對於病人真的具有減輕疼痛的效果。除了止痛以外,愛情也被證實能帶來更多的創作靈感。
8. 一見鍾情和長跑多年的感情可能享有同等程度的幸福感,相戀時間的長短和幸福的程度沒有絕對,但研究指出:「性福」的情侶往往走得較長久。




3 Things to Do When You’re Paralyzed by Stress

When you’re so frazzled that you can barely see straight, let alone deal with one more crisis, that’s a sign that you’ve been tense for too long, and that your stress is on the verge of morphing from the run-of-the-mill variety into the toxic kind. Here are three proven ways to break the stress cycle.

7 Ways to Make Your Boss Love You

宣佈退休!傳奇超模Cindy Crawford給女人的人生10堂課

文字:Leslie  VOGUE.TW |  更新:2/5/2016  4 MONTHS AGO
 即將於這個月20號迎來50歲生日的90年代傳奇超模辛蒂克勞馥Cindy Crawford,宣佈將於生日當天卸下長達30年的超模身分,而不久前Balmain的2016春夏廣告極有可能是她的告別作。她表示做出此舉在於希望 享受接下來的生活,不過在未來仍會繼續拍照,只是不會以模特兒的身分。有著幸福家庭做後盾的她,一腦子的智慧足以讓現代的女人學習,事業、婚姻擇偶、人 生,現在就來細細品味吧!
1. 珍惜所有,切莫將一切視為理所當然
2. 堅強及脆弱可以並存
Crawford 記得父母離異後,母親有時會去請求父親支付贍養費。在那一刻,她懂得父母已分飛, 她必須照顧好自己。但是有時當你表現得非常堅強時,就會顯得自己不需要任何人,這對男人們來說行不通。男人們需要感覺自己是被需要和欣賞的,於是女人們要 學會適時表現自己的脆弱。
3. 了解自己的價值
1993年,Crawford為歌手k. d. lang剃鬍的照片登上了《浮華世界Vanity Fair》的封面,引發大眾對於她婚姻狀況和性取向的好奇。1994年倫敦,Crawford 和第一任丈夫Richard Gere在時代雜誌上聲明要求媒體更加自愛負責且真實友善地處理報導。Gere曾對我說:「人的生命價值不是由別人來定義的,每個人都應該了解自己的價值 加以奮鬥,你不可能改變別人對你的看法。」
4. 生活並非童話,可靠踏實的男人才值得託付
1991年,當時25歲的Crawford嫁給了前夫Richard Gere,兩人於 1995年離婚收場。她回憶:「我人生中第2個轉捩點就是結束第一段婚姻,失去了哥哥、父母離異、我和前夫都渴望電影裡的浪漫愛情故事,可現實總是殘酷並 非童話。當時我意識到自己必須以更現實的角度來審視這段關係,摒棄華麗虛無的部分,就像在試衣服一樣。情感治療師問了我一個有意思的問題『你需要一個靈魂 伴侶還是一個丈夫?』這完全是兩個概念,丈夫是可靠踏實的,想為他生孩子且能常伴左右。年少時,我沉迷於那種讓人窒息如膠似漆的情感關係裡,直到遇見 Rande,他的溫柔可靠讓我對之前的觀念產生了懷疑,感情裡充滿戲劇化的部分不見得是好的,太不牢靠!感謝治療師幫助我打開這部分的愛情視野,我和 Rande在一起快20年了,我們是靈魂伴侶,相互扶持成長。」
5. 建立自己的思維模式比空洞的表達更可靠
我非常相信理查艾維頓Richard Avedon(美國知名攝影師)教會我如何詮釋封面,他相信身為一個模特兒,是需要通過照片來表達出自己的思想。當我凝視鏡頭的時候,我腦袋裡要有所內容 才能傳達出來,即使是很簡單的「快花3美金買我」(這是一本《vogue》在美國的市價)。也許一張漂亮的臉蛋不需要有什麼想法照樣能拍出好照片,但是 Avedon不要這種空有其表的展現。一旦妳在拍攝的時候走神了,去想食譜或者什麼的,Avedon都會知道,他更希望能從你的眼睛裡看到亮點。
6. 拓展專業知識
對待我的模特工作就像上學時的態度一樣戰戰兢兢。在我年輕的時候,我從來不奢望在不瞭解我的情況下,Avedon或者 Irving Penn的工作室能上門找我去為他們工作。我謹記要充實自己的專業知識,所以當攝影師和設計師引用一些專業術語比如「黑色電影film noir」或者 「Jean Shrimpton」(六十年代經典超模)時,我能夠理解他們的意思並且丟出他們想要的東西。
7. 違心時,勇敢說不
8. 改變時尚的力量在自己手中
時尚的軌跡總是瞬息萬變,從瑪麗蓮夢露Marilyn Monroe到崔姬Twiggy,從超模再到海洛因時尚(指骨感纖細美,如凱特摩絲Kate Moss),全取決於攝影師、設計師以及編輯們的喜好。其實,消費者必須意識到這種選擇權是在自己手上,也就是說,錢包在自己手上。如果消費者不喜歡圖片 呈現出來的效果,他們有權利選擇不去購買這本雜誌或者這個設計師設計的服裝。現在的時尚有更廣泛的包容性,能夠包容各種不同的美感。在我看來,所該被提倡 的美感就是兼容多樣性和健康。
9. 旅遊是人生的精修學校
每一次旅行,我的人生閱歷都會更豐富。從中我學習到美術與建築、食物與時尚。我認識了一個義大利人,和他在巴黎夜總會跳了一整夜的舞,赤裸著上 身在沙灘邊閒逛。剛開始旅遊時,我是一個從小城市來的懵懂小姑娘,然後突然有一天,我長大蛻變了。因為旅遊讓我完成了學業,而在旅途中我收穫的最大知識就 是:儘管文化會有所不同,但人類身上的相同之處遠大於不同。
10. 永不後悔


30 Things To Do Instead Of Falling Back In Love

Heidi Priebe   27 Comments


When a relationship ends, we forget that the only objective available to us isn’t to get right back into another one. We see a huge, gaping hole waiting to be filled and we assume that it has to be someone else’s mind and heart and spirit that must fit perfectly inside of it. That we’ll just be a little bit empty or a little bit lonely or a little bit undone until we meet someone new – and even if we’re okay with that, it’s a problematic way of looking at things.
Because here’s the truth about that hole – it’s there. It’s real. It’s begging to be filled (spare me the innuendo). But it isn’t in the shape of someone else, it’s simply in the shape of what they offered us – be that stability, excitement, validation or understanding. There are an infinite number of activities, an infinite number of projects, an infinite number of ways we could fill that empty space that someone else left. And so few of those ways involve falling back in love.
We forget, all too easily, that there’s a whole world out there to be explored. That there are more people to meet, experiences to have and lives to lead than we will ever have time to fully take hold of. So instead of moping over one measly person in a world of seven billion, here are 30 awesome alternatives that you can take on all by yourself.
1. Learn a foreign language. Get a language app or a conversation partner or a bilingual dictionary and force your mind to twist itself into a brand new way of comprehending other people.
2. Move to a far-away country for an indefinite period of time. Come back when you feel like it, or never come back at all.
3. Get a motorcycle license. Rent a motorcycle and drive it around town on the days you want to feel like a badass.
4. Get into the best shape of your life. Appreciate your body not just for the way it looks through someone else’s eyes, but for the way it feels to you. Learn your new physical limits, and then push them again and again.
5. Go visit a friend who’s moved away – the one you keep saying you’ll visit but never actually do.
6. Learn to play an instrument. Devote an hour a day to practicing and watch yourself improve in leaps and bounds. Make a Youtube channel if you feel so inspired. Connect with other artists and work your way into a new community.
7. Volunteer somewhere. If you’re tired of the world inside your own mind, start devoting your time to a cause that doesn’t involve you. Realize that there’s an entire Universe outside of your house and that it needs your help.
8. Learn to scuba dive or rock climb or paraglide. Whichever makes you feel the coolest.
9. Become financially independent (if you’re currently not). Get a part time job and pay your debts down if you have them. Realize that money doesn’t buy happiness but it sure does buy peace of mind and that’s a similar concept.
10. Take up Yoga. Become one of those people who Instagrams yourself posing on a cliff side at sunset and feel absolutely zero shame about it.
11. Write a book. Write a joke book or a fiction novel or a memoir. Write the story that’s always been inside of you, taking up residence under your skin, because we all have one in us to tell.
12. Go back to school. Get a good education from whatever school you’re able to go to, without worrying about how far away from someone else you have to move.
13. Buy a onesie and big, huge mug to fill with tea and learn to comfort yourself on the nights when no one else is there to comfort you.
14. Sleep around if that is what you want to do. Be safe, but not sorry.
15. Plan your future without restraint. Daydream about quitting your job to go travel. Speculate over changing your career on a whim. Allow your imagination to run wild and realize that there’s not a lot stopping you from making those dreams a reality.
16. Make a big, huge, glaring mistake. Invest money in something foolish. Date a person who’s horribly wrong for you. Fall flat down on your face and realize that you can still pick yourself back up. That you’re accountable to only yourself. And that you still have so much time to make things right.
17. Go home and spend some serious time with your family. Get to know them as people, as adults and as friends.
18. Go out with friends and stay up until the sun rises. You have no one to report to but yourself so let the good times roll and for one night, just don’t worry about tomorrow.
19. Sleep spread eagle across the bed.
20. Pick a topic you’ve always been interested in, go to your local library and check out all of the books you can find on that topic. Read them all. Become an expert. Why not.
21. Get intimate with your own body. Learn to give yourself an orgasm unlike anyone else has ever been able to.
22. Join a meet-up group that revolves around an activity you’ve always wanted to try, but haven’t made time for yet. Make friends who share your interest and let the social commitment keep you coming back to continue exploring it.
23. Open up your home to couchsurfers. If you can’t afford to travel, live vicariously through their experiences and make friends from around the world.
24. Learn to dance. Take ballroom dancing or jazz lessons or pole dancing classes. Keep your body moving to whatever beat inspires you.
25. Redecorate your house, apartment or room. Paint it that color you never dared to. Buy that piece of furniture you always had your eye on. Enjoy your space, now that it’s all your own.
26. Train for a marathon. Then run it.
27. Learn to cook three meals really well. Impress friends with a rotation of those three dishes for basically the rest of your life.
28. Identify one thing you’re terrified of and go do it. If it’s flying, take a flight lesson. If it’s love, express your affection to somebody. Don’t worry about whether or not it’s going to work out – just do it for the sake of it, to know that you have challenged yourself.
29. Practice meditation. Get comfortable being alone with your thoughts and listen to what they’re trying to tell you.
30. Pick every trait you desire in a partner and cultivate them in yourself. There’s one person you’re definitely spending the rest of your life with and it’s you. So make yourself into one hell of a companion. 


猪现在的三餐多是吃蔬菜瓜果类。 偶尔蔬菜碗中加几片薄薄的肉片或鸡蛋增添点滋味。 吃素吃多了脸色也绿黄绿黄的。 本来都正在步入中老年人的步伐,脸色已经非常灰暗了,再加上营养不均匀的三餐。 猪脸越见丑陋,自己都不想看到镜中的自己。 这样的伙食也使猪脚步乏力,整天缺乏动力。 只想躺着不...