



The Best Workout Move for Every Body Part

You can maximize your toning efforts by doing the right moves for all of your most important muscles. Tracey Mallett, fitness expert and creator of bootybarre and bbarreless, created this targeted workout to do just that. If you stick to it three or four times a week, you should start to see results in less than a month.

The Best Move for Every Body Part

Best for: Triceps

Triceps Dips With Kick: Start in a reverse tabletop position with feet and hands on ground and hips lifted slightly. Extend right leg up toward ceiling and bend elbows. This is your start position. Straighten elbows, lowering extended right leg toward ground while lifting hips. Return to start position. That’s one rep. Do 10 reps to right then 10 reps to left.

Best for: Biceps

Extended Leg Pushup: Start on all fours with hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Extend right leg back to hip height. This is your start position. Bend elbows, lowering forehead and chest toward floor. At the same time, lift leg so that body is in line from right heel to head. Straighten elbows to return to start position. That’s one rep. Do 10 reps then repeat with left leg lifted.

Best for: Obliques

Side Leg Lift: Kneel then lean to the right, lowering your right hand and extending your left leg. (Your right hand, right knee, and left toes are all on the ground.) Extend left arm overhead, making a straight line from left fingers to left foot. This is your start position. Lift left leg up toward the ceiling and draw left arm up toward it. Return to start position for one rep. Do 10 reps then repeat with the right leg lifted.

Best for: Glutes

Froggie Squeezes: Lie facedown with hands stacked to make a pillow for your forehead. Bend knees and bring heels together. This is your start position. Squeeze heels together, lifting knees and thighs off ground. Hold for one second, then release to start position. That’s one rep. Do 20 reps.

Best for: Hamstrings

Attitude With Extension: Stand with your left hip alongside a counter or other sturdy surface, left hand lightly resting on it for support. Hinge forward from hips and lift right leg back, bending right knee toward right. (Body is in line from right knee to head.) Keep standing leg slightly bent. This is your start position. Extend right leg, keeping toes lifted. Return to start position. That’s one rep. Do 15 reps then repeat with left leg lifted.

Best for: Calves

Second Position Plies: Stand with feet wider than hips , feet turned out. Bend knees and lift heels, bringing hands to a prayer position front of chest. This is your start position. Keep heels lifted as you straighten legs and lift arms overhead. Lower to start position. That’s one rep. Do 15 reps.

Best for: Abs

Roll With Single Leg Extension: Start lying face-up with knees bent over hips, hands holding back of thighs, and head and shoulders lifted. Draw core in to roll up to seated. Lower left foot to ground and extend right leg, sliding right arm up to right calf. Extend left arm to left and back, lengthening spine. Bring hands to back of thighs and roll back to start position. Repeat with left leg and right arm extended for one rep. Do 10 reps.

Best for: Quads

Booty Lifts: Cross your forearms on top of a sturdy surface, such as a counter or the back of a couch. Walk your hips back until your back is flat. Bend both knees, then come up onto the ball of your left foot while lifting your right leg so toes point toward the ceiling. Keep your spine long and lift just until you feel the back of your legs start to work. This is your start position. Lift your right leg one inch higher, then lower it to the start position. That’s one rep. Do 30 reps then repeat with the left leg lifted.



People with anxiety disorders share the simple lifestyle strategies that have helped them manage anxious thoughts.

5 Ways to Make Yourself More Attractive

1. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
Posted Dec 16, 2016 
 wavebreakmedia/ShutterstockFeeling good about yourself makes you more attractive to others. And as you love yourself, your life becomes less burdensome and relationships become easier and more spontaneous. You don’t spend your time second-guessing what others are thinking about you or where you stand in your various relationships. When you have an internal sturdiness deep within your core, you're able to adapt easily to the inevitable ups and downs that come with relationships.
Here are five ways you can feel better about yourself—and make yourself more attractive to others:
1. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
You don’t have to be perfect to have solid relationships and love in your life. In fact, it’s being imperfect that puts people at ease. There is a kind of intimacy that takes hold, a sense that you can be open with this person because they are being open with you. Of course, it’s important to connect with supportive and non-toxic people. Generally speaking, most of the time, with most people, the negative sentiments others communicate or imply about you are not insults to your character. Don’t give added attention to perceived slights; let the small stuff slide off your back. When you're faced with valid or invalid criticism, see if you can laugh at yourself or make a joke. In the end, others don’t define you, no matter what they say.
2. Do the right thing.
If you struggle with self-esteem, you are likely seeking the approval of others. You're covertly on the lookout for praise, and a sense that you belong and are doing the “right” thing. When you do this, you're not thinking about the bigger picture because you're too focused on yourself. A busy quest for validation from others won’t necessarily bring it; in fact, your insecurity may push people away. Instead, do the right thing for yourself, for others, and for society at large. Be generous to the people in your life and to those who have less: Listen, support, and give them your present attention. See if this brings you validation.
3. Live for yourself.
People who have a sense of purpose and meaning are compelling because they exude strength. Focusing on how others may or may not be judging you wastes precious time that could be spent on getting what you want out of life. Ask yourself these questions: What brings me happiness? What would I like to accomplish in this life? What brings me a feeling of well-being and contentment? And then quiet the voice in your head that second-guess your choices, and start living for yourself.
4. Choose to be happy. 
If you are happy, others sense it and feel at ease in your presence. As I describe in my workbook, Building Self-Esteem: 5 Steps, one way to actively chose happiness is to develop awareness for your internal critic—that voice in your head that comments and judges. Giving yourself over to your internal critic is like jumping off a cliff into nothingness—this is where your internal critic will take you, if you let it. It’s your responsibility to recognize when your critic turns on you and to tell it “no!”  Distract yourself with exercise, reading, work, helping others, or creative endeavors. Do whatever you have to, but shut down the critic as soon as you hear its voice. Over and over, choose happiness.
5. Take care of yourself.
People who take care of themselves are more attractive because they emanate self-discipline. Being in control of yourself means others don’t experience you as a burden to be cared for. Eating nutritiously, exercising regularly, and attending to your emotional health should be a part of your daily routine.







  • 作者 : 曾沛瑜
  • 圖片來源 : 周書羽


身心放鬆、維持體態, 深呼吸好處多





























7 Self-Soothing Strategies To Neutralize Panic Attacks: A Psychiatrist Explains

7 Self-Soothing Strategies To Neutralize Panic Attacks: A Psychiatrist Explains Hero Image
When I was dealing with my own constant panic attacks, I became a bit of an anxiety savant.
During that time, my daily commute was about four hours. Most of that was on the train, where I experienced most of my panic attacks. At the height of my struggles, I was sorely tempted to give up on my education. I wasn’t the only person who would ever have not done something because of their anxiety.
But, hesitant to forfeit the hefty sum (almost $100,000) I’d put toward getting my degree, I began to research and experiment with strategies to quell my panic attacks. Here are a few of the methods that made the biggest difference for me.

1. Tiptoe.

My friend Em Burnett, a Qigong instructor, says our Yang energy rises when we panic. Indeed, whenever we feel anxious, we are stuck in our heads, and forget that we have bodies. Em advises that we bring our energy back down—that we ground ourselves. To do that, just tiptoe, then drop to your heels. Do this several times. Alternatively try walking on your heels, noting the contact with the ground, then press both your feet together.

2. Walk slowly.

My colleague Tom Cronin, a meditation teacher, puts it so beautifully: “If your mind is running a million miles an hour, your body is going to be hyper-stimulated." Whether we realize it or not, panic attacks happen when we’re in “flight” mode, which is why we try to move as quickly as the situation allows.
One of the easiest things we can do is to intentionally slow down, bringing awareness to the points of contact where the soles of our feet touch the ground. This action anchors us in the moment. Then we are able to bring attention to what’s going on around us.
Train yourself to notice a sight, sound, and smell separate from yourself. I’ve had clients tell me, “I’ve discovered all these new places to eat and shop, because I started focusing on the environment around me.” How’s that for a reward?

3. Hug yourself.

Thich Nhat Hanh, my favourite Zen master, says that “When we hug, our hearts connect and we know that we are not separate beings.” When in a state of panic, we need the most love. My colleague and Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner Carmen Dolz taught me the Big Hug position: Just cross your arms in front of your chest, fingertips under your armpits, and breathe deeply, dropping your shoulders as you exhale. The Big Hug is powerful because it connects the energy path of the heart with the nervous system. It opens the lungs, allowing our respiratory paths to expand, helping the breath reach us even more deeply. Essentially, it is the art of harmonizing ourselves, by using our hands as jump leads.

4. Splash your face with cold water.

Cold water stimulates our parasympathetic nervous systems, helping us to calm down by waking up our vagus nerves. This brings down the heart rate and activates the immune and digestive systems. Our skin has up to 10 times more cold receptors than warmth receptors, meaning splashing our face with cold water can have a quick, intense effect.

5. Breathe into a paper bag.

My friend Benita Scott, an EFT Practitioner, recommends breathing in and out of a paper bag. This capitalizes on the increasing carbon dioxide we get from re-inhaling our own breath. This triggers a calming reflex.

6. Practice bilateral stimulation.

When anxious, we get lost in our heads, where worries have infinite space to amplify. During panic attacks, beliefs like “I’m trapped,” “People will laugh at me,” and “I’m going to die” can consume us. Bilateral stimulation activates both hemispheres of the brain, distracting from the worry at hand. My favorite form of bilateral stimulation is to imagine passing a lime-sized ball between my right and left palm. Just keep doing it, and those difficult thoughts dissipate.

7. Meditate.

This meditation requires only three breaths and draws in support from the earth and the sky—and whatever symbolism or meaning we give to these.
  • Take a deep breath, drawing air in from the soles of your feet, channeling support from the earth. As you exhale, use your breath to create a golden bubble of energy around you.
  • Inhale deeply, drawing in air and light through the crown of your head from the sky. Exhale out a golden bubble of light energy around you.
  • Take a third deep breath in, drawing love and air from around you, through your heart. Exhale through your heart, filling the space around you with love and protection.
I know firsthand how powerless it feels to have a panic attack. It’s so easy to get sucked into the belief that there’s something wrong with you—that you’re defective and unlovable. Panic attacks are really your body’s way of telling you that something in your life needs to change. Perhaps it’s your relationship with stress or that you’re embroiled in a toxic situation. Whatever it is, your body can help you heal. You just need to trust it, and trust that you’re worthy of a fulfilling and peaceful life.





怎样称现任丈夫与前妻所生的儿子与女儿呢?“B 的儿子和B的女儿。”





文字:Sabrina  VOGUE.TW |  圖片:TPG, @maggie_aka_magnolia, @doutzen, @jujujuxiaowen, @stellamaxwell, @kendalljenner,@fairleighandfriends,@adrianneho,@lindsellingson,@adrianneho |  更
新:5/18/2016  7 MONTHS AGO
醫生認為紫外線有助於刺激提振情緒的腦內啡的分泌,這也是為什麼陽光男孩、女孩們總是樂此不疲。而這項假設也獲得證據支持。研究人員給酷愛日曬者吃下抑制腦內啡的藥物後,半數出現退縮性症候群(withdrawal symptom)症狀,像是噁心、心悸等等,而不常晒太陽的人則不受影響。熱愛陽光之吻嗎?記得多搽點防晒油。


文字:陶晶瑩, News Hub   |  圖片:陶晶瑩 |  來源:圓神出版社 |  其他:全文摘自:《╳!為何我又站在雪地上》 |  更新:12/22/2016  18 HOURS AGO










但江山易改,本性難移,我只是把那份焦慮內化,不讓別人看出來。不想影響別人、不想給周遭工作人員壓力。於是我在等待的小空檔玩「Angry Bird」,看那橫眉豎眼的鳥兒比我還氣,心裡便好受一點。或者玩「Candy Crush」,消糖果,一排排、一列列,兩眼發直,忘記時間。

















7 Mental Health Benefits Of Being Outside

Spending just 15 minutes a day in nature can boost focus, ease anxiety, and more!

December 19, 2016
benefits of outdoor exercise
Image courtesy of Fix.com
The mental health benefits of exercise are well documented—it's known to reduce stress and increase levels of “feel good” hormones like dopamine. But many of us overlook the perks of simply spending time outdoors. But we shouldn't. It turns out the age-old adage is correct: Fresh air is good for you.
While outdoor physical activities such as jogging, trail running, and hiking combine both physical exercise and the outdoors for a mental health jackpot, simply spending time in nature in any form can improve your mental outlook, in addition to providing physical benefits, according to both the National Institutes of Health and Harvard Medical School. How refreshing!

health benefits of the outdoors
Image courtesy of Fix.com

How Spending Time Outside Boosts Mental Health

Getting outside can truly clear your head while boosting your immune system and elevating your sense of well-being. If you can get outdoors regularly, you can trade seasonal light therapy boxes and artificial indoor lighting for natural light, which floods your body with vitamin D and immediately improves your mood. Just 15 minutes of natural sunlight per day is known to reduce depression and anxiety levels. Perhaps even more importantly, vitamin D and all that natural sunlight helps you sleep better at night. A study from the Saint Louis University School of Medicine noted that natural sunlight helps set our body’s internal clocks. And the better rested we are, the better our mood and mental state.
But stepping outside does more than offer sunshine. Studies show that those living in urban environments have to contend with sensory overload on a daily basis, causing what researchers call cognitive fatigue. Finding green space or stepping into a park or garden can give the brain a break from urban stimuli. A recent epidemiological study has shown that people who move to greener urban areas benefit from sustained improvements in their mental health, according to Frontiers in Psychology. In fact, a recent Scandinavian study found that office workers with just views of trees or nature had lower stress levels than those with city views.
Nature improves concentration as well, helping both children with attention deficit disorders as well as elderly citizens combating dementia or Alzheimer’s. Without the rush of man-made stimuli, the human mind is freed up to be more creative, and having lower stress levels allows us to focus on the task at hand better. This is why you might get your best ideas while fishing on the lake, or make a breakthrough on a work-related problem while walking in the woods.
health benefits of outdoor activities
Image courtesy of Fix.com

How to Spend More Time in Nature—Even When You're Busy

Getting your daily dose of nature doesn’t have to involve traveling long distances or taking up extreme outdoor sports like kayaking. While a daily walk or bike ride is ideal, any green space can boost your mood and lower your stress and anxiety levels. Even sitting outside on a patio or balcony can give you access to sunshine and, at the very least, a skylight over your work or living space can provide natural light. Consider walking or biking to work each day, taking a new route through a green space instead of along city streets, or opting for the scenic commute instead of the freeway.
While outdoor sports such as hiking, fishing, kayaking, and skiing successfully combine exercise with outdoor stimulation, any form of outdoor living will elevate your mental health. Simply walking through a forest has been proven to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol and reduce blood pressure and heart rate. So take a daily walk, try your hand at fishing, or simply sit and read in a garden to see benefits.

Try the Attention Restoration Theory

Capitalizing on the restorative properties of peaceful outdoor settings doesn’t mean city life is all bad. Living in an urban environment is a happy reality for many who have chosen to live and work in urban centers, and has many upsides. This is where Attention Restoration Theory (ART) comes in.
The thinking behind ART is that urban settings can have an excess of stimuli (car horns, sirens, people) that demand our attention whether we are consciously paying attention to them or not, whereas natural settings require our attention but also reward us with feelings of pleasure and help restore our attention. For urban dwellers, visiting a setting such as a park can feel like an oasis, in that it provides the feeling of “getting away” even though you may only be minutes away from your office.
using attentional restoration theory to ease stress
Image courtesy of Fix.com
Getting outdoors to feel happier and healthier is both intuitive and backed by medical science! Make yourself a promise to spend just 15 minutes or more in a natural environment per day to reap the rewards.


  • 作者 : 呂嘉薰整理
  • 圖片來源 : 周書羽

訓練重點: 上背、手臂、小腿










This Is What It's Like To Live With Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the US, affecting 40 million adults. This is what it feels like to be one of them.

November 10, 2016
 stormy ocean
I had my first real panic attack when I was 19 and a sophomore in college. I thought I was having a heart attack. I couldn't catch my breath, I was dizzy, my fingers tingled, and I felt hot and clammy—all out of nowhere. I made it to a university bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, then slid down the tiled wall, knees to my chest, and waited for that terrible feeling of dread to go away.
I didn't go to class for a few days and stayed in bed, under the safety of my blanket, feeling stiff and like something bad was going to happen. I couldn't think straight or eat. Everything seemed unreal. Truth is, I'd always been a worrywart and perfectionist, but as a kid, my parents chalked it up to nervousness and wanting to succeed. These days I know it was panic manifesting and waiting to hit me like a truck in my 20s.
I'm not alone: According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the US, affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18 percent of the population. Anxiety disorders develop from a complex set of risk factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life events, and women are twice as likely to be affected as men. 

Feeling out of control

anxious mind
The panic attacks began to come frequently, and I wanted answers. I'd be walking down Walnut Street in Philadelphia on a sunny day, and all of a sudden I'd start to hyperventilate. For me, a panic attack goes through its stages in about 10 minutes. A dreadful feeling creeps in, a whirl of nasty butterflies infiltrates my stomach, and I can't take a deep breath. Then it escalates to me feeling completely out of control, tears staining my cheeks. When the panic attack passes, I feel like I've been up all night. I want to nap for days in a safe, quiet space.
A panic attack physically feels like a clenched fist, popping white knuckles, or being startled by a prank. Sometimes it feels so extreme that it's like there's a refrigerator on your chest. Your head is spinning and clouded with dread. You feel like you might puke and urgently want to use the bathroom. Your appetite is gone.
Experiencing a panic attack in the flesh leaves a big scar. You never want it to happen again, but you know it will—or that's your thinking. So you start obsessing about it, over and over and over. You wait. For me, a panic attack can come out of nowhere or be caused by a trigger. An email from someone I wasn't expecting to hear from (I've blocked some people to avoid this). A memory of something traumatizing, like when my grandmother died in my arms. Reading about another school shooting, then speeding right to the worst-possible-case scenario—my child is at school. Is he safe? Is he?

What's the deal?

Anxiety symptoms are activated by a part of the brain stem called the locus ceruleus, which is involved with the physiologic responses to stress and panic. When something stressful is sensed, neurons in the locus ceruleus start firing more intensely than usual. Next, norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter, transports neural messages from the locus ceruleus to the spinal cord and other parts of the brain. Norepinephrine is similar to adrenaline. It works by narrowing the blood vessels and increasing blood pressure and blood glucose levels, which causes the physical feelings like rapid heartbeat and quick breathing and contributes to hyperventilation, dizziness, and tingling fingers. A panic attack is physical, mental, and very emotional.
Related: 5 Signs You're Not Getting Enough Vitamin D

Getting well

I made an appointment with a general practice doctor who first ran a blood panel to test my thyroid. She told me if too much thyroid hormone is produced, it can cause anxiety due to hyperthyroidism. Fantastic, I thought. An answer. Finally. But the blood tests confirmed I did not have a thyroid problem. So I decided to go on anti-anxiety medication, though it wasn't an easy choice. Going on meds would solidify that I was crazy, right? Wrong. For some people—a lot of people, really—meds are a lifesaver. According to a 2011 report, more than one in five Americans now takes a drug to manage a mental health condition.
My doctor put me on 0.25 milligrams of Xanax, a benzodiazepine that acts on the brain and nerves to produce a calming effect. It works by enhancing the effects of a certain natural chemical in the body, called GABA for short. She compared the Xanax to an asthmatic's rescue inhaler because it kicks in really quickly. If I felt very panicky or couldn't turn my brain off at night, take a Xanax.
I was also started on 10 milligrams of Paxil, an antidepressant I take every day. “SSRIs like Paxil inhibit the reuptake of serotonin and work by regulating its production and actual role in the brain,” explains Sanam Hafeez, MD, founder and clinical director of Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services.
Sixteen years later, at 35, I am still on Paxil. I also still have the Xanax, which I barely use, but I feel better knowing I have a rescue medication at the ready. I’m OK with my Monday-through-Sunday pillbox, because it makes me a better person. To avoid reaching for Xanax like a crutch, I also use coping skills such as going to the gym, walking my dog, playing Legos with my son, and watching the clock when I feel an anxiety attack coming.
The “clock trick” is something I learned in therapy. I was told to find a clock and watch the time pass. Most panic attacks end within 20 to 30 minutes, and they rarely last more than an hour. Knowing this and watching the proverbial sand through the hourglass always helps me calm down because I know the feeling is fleeting.
Anxiety is a part of my life, but it certainly doesn't define it like it used to. I've used all the tools I can to be healthy and stay in the right frame of mind, and that's my wish for anyone struggling with panic attacks: to know it's not just you, or all in your head. You are not crazy, and it's so very treatable.


猪现在的三餐多是吃蔬菜瓜果类。 偶尔蔬菜碗中加几片薄薄的肉片或鸡蛋增添点滋味。 吃素吃多了脸色也绿黄绿黄的。 本来都正在步入中老年人的步伐,脸色已经非常灰暗了,再加上营养不均匀的三餐。 猪脸越见丑陋,自己都不想看到镜中的自己。 这样的伙食也使猪脚步乏力,整天缺乏动力。 只想躺着不...