

而猪犹如还是forever single






  • 作者 : 黃惠如
  • 圖片來源 : 康健雜誌








1.了解生命本無常 美國亞利桑納整合醫學中心計畫負責人威爾醫師解釋說,生病時,平靜下來不掙扎,並不代表放棄找尋希望,而是為了超越疾病,接受生命中的一切狀況,包括無常。


2.感受自己的感覺 當面臨重大疾病,首先要處理的是情緒,學會把情緒表達出來,無論是恐懼、悲傷、憤怒。清楚地描述自己的感受,可以幫助你和自己在一起。



3.肯定自己的努力 「在苦難中,看到自己不容易的地方,稱讚自己,」吳熙琄說,不要送出「我沒用」、「我很失敗」的訊息,看到自己在苦難中的努力與堅強,感受到自己的寶貴。


4.將疾病視為一個禮物 每一個重大的手術或疾病都有心靈轉變的時刻,危機會製造脆弱與敏感的窗口,質疑我們已經成就的一切。但也可能成為一個機會,使我們得到啟發。「要自我覺察疾病背後的意義,」自然醫學博士王佑驊說。威爾醫師在《自癒力》裡講到他的日本朋友寺山信一郎的故事,他性靈覺醒,帶病修行,展現更高的力量。












1.兩分鐘冥想就有效 如果有一種藥,每天只要一顆就可以減輕焦慮,對生活更滿意,這種藥是純天然、而且免費,你吃不吃?






2.覺知負面情緒,90秒不生氣 「憤怒和別人無關,是因為自己內在有一個按鈕,是怎樣就怎樣,」賴佩霞說。




3.釋放五感,重建「健康感」 視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、觸覺、味覺五感是人類生存重要的裝置,遠古時候,人類用敵人的氣息來察覺危險。但現在科技與時間的壓力,使人類做什麼都很快,匆促地囫圇地讓五感官浮光掠影。






  • 作者 : 藍淑娟







患者接下來會不斷擔憂下次何時再發作,產生「 預期性的焦慮 」,遇到可能刺激發作的情境,就想「逃避」,在行為上產生改變,繼而在想法和行為產生惡性循環,台大身心科主治醫師陳錫中指出。











































你叫我去找属于我的Mr. Right
我还是停滞在原地,我竟还找不到Mr. Right






11 Real People on How They Deal With Anxiety

People with anxiety disorders share the simple lifestyle strategies that have helped them manage anxious thoughts.

5 Easy Ways To Get Happier ASAP

5 Easy Ways To Get Happier ASAP Hero Image
An epidemic has descended upon us — but not a physical one. It’s unhappiness. More than 50 percent of Americans are unhappy at work, and our general life satisfaction is even worse: a mere one-third of people describe themselves as “very happy.”
That means most of us — 70 percent — are unhappy.
It’s in our best interest, both mentally and physically, to make the effort to be happier. Research indicates that happy people are more successful, have more resilience and better coping skills, catch fewer colds, and have a reduced risk of heart disease.
Though I wish it were as simple as slurping up a green juice, making a quinoa salad, and calling it a happy day, it goes much deeper than that. Fortunately, happiness is like a muscle — the more you work it, the stronger it becomes. Here are five ways we can create more happiness in our lives:

1. Decide to be happy.

Happiness doesn’t strike us by luck or happenstance. People who seem to always be happy make a conscious decision to be happy regardless of circumstance. We can choose to grumble over traffic or the weather, or we can take a more positive approach. You might be thinking, “Oh, you’re oversimplifying. It’s not that easy.” It’s not always easy, but it is simple. And the more you practice, the better you’ll get at it.

2. Turn it into a practice.

Take 10 minutes a day to be consciously happy. Think about the blessings in your life. Schedule it into your calendar if you need to! Focus on all the things you have to be grateful for: a roof over your head, a warm bed to sleep in, food in the fridge, loving relationships, sunshine. And spend time every day doing something that brings you happiness — even if it’s something as simple as sitting in solitude with a cup of tea. Let the positive feelings wash over you and bask in them.

3. Give happiness away.

It’s important to give happiness away, too. In every interaction — with coworkers, grocery store clerks, strangers on the subway — focus on being more kind. Smile, make eye contact, be mindful of your tone of voice and body language. You just might find that when you increase the happiness you offer to others, you’ll receive more of it in return.

4. Be more creative.

Are you unhappy because you feel trapped in mundanity? Stretch yourself out. Try being more creative. If it’s not possible to boost your creativity at work, then practice it in your spare time. Do the creative things that bring you joy, and do them regularly. The world needs the creativity you have to offer.

5. Share a meal with others.

Sharing a meal with friends and family strengthens relationships, improves mental health (especially in teenagers), reduces stress, can reduce children’s risk of substance abuse, and may even get ‘em to eat more veggies. Eating meals with others also boosts happiness! So call your friends and invite them over.
I’m sure you can think of a half dozen things you could do today to improve your physical health, like drink more water or eat spinach. But have you considered what you could be doing to cultivate happiness? I encourage you to ponder this and approach happiness every day with intention.

The Brain Chemicals That Make You Happy (And How To Trigger Them)

The Brain Chemicals That Make You Happy (And How To Trigger Them) Hero Image
When we ask ourselves what makes us happy, we often think of the circumstances, possessions, or people in our lives. In reality, happiness is largely a chemical experience. Four main neurochemicals, hormones, and neurotransmitters generated in the brain are fundamentally responsible for creating the sensations and emotions we've come to associate with happiness.
This is actually great news. It means even when circumstances, possessions, or people in our lives aren't exactly as we'd like them to be, there are simple ways we can increase our happy brain chemicals and alter our moods.
I talk about this with my mindfulness students in elementary school, and they really understand the concept. I'll often have a kid tell me about the rush of dopamine she just got from getting an A+ on her spelling test, or the hit of oxytocin a boy felt from giving his mom a hug.
Here's how you can do the same.

1. Endorphins

Endorphins are opioid neuropeptides, which means they are produced by the central nervous system to help us deal with physical pain. They also make us feel lightheaded, and even giddy at times. One non-painful (well, not too painful) way to induce endorphins is exercise.
Endorphins are released after both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. In one study, as little as 30 minutes of walking on a treadmill for 10 days in a row was sufficient to produce a significant reduction in depression among clinically depressed subjects.

2. Serotonin

Serotonin may be the best-known happiness chemical because it's the one that antidepressant medication primarily addresses. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is naturally triggered by several things we can do each day.
Exposure to bright light, especially sunshine, is one way to increase serotonin. Exercise and happy thoughts also stimulate production of this chemical. Some research has found that a higher intake of tryptophan-heavy foods, relative to other foods in the diet, may do the trick as well.

3. Dopamine

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter often referred to as the "chemical of reward." When you score a goal, hit a target, or accomplish a task, you receive a pleasurable hit of dopamine in your brain that tells you you’ve done a good job. But you can also get a natural dose of dopamine when you perform acts of kindness toward others.
Volunteering has been shown to increase dopamine as well as have other long-term health benefits. And some research has even found that it only takes thoughts of loving kindness to bring on the dopamine high.

4. Oxytocin

Mothers may be familiar with oxytocin, the hormone produced in abundance during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It's also the high behind MDMA, a popular party drug, which releases oxytocin in the brain. Oxytocin is primarily associated with loving touch and close relationships.
This hormone provides a multiple whammy of warm fuzzies, by stimulating dopamine and serotonin, while reducing anxiety. To get your hit of oxytocin without popping ecstasy, give someone you love a cuddle. Even a pet will do.
If you're like me, happiness may at times feel like the unachievable holy grail of emotion. But luckily, our brains and bodies are constantly undergoing complex chemical processes that we can affect with our daily actions. Once we understand how our feel-good hormones and neurotransmitters work, we may be able to trigger them more easily than we realized.



因为太优秀,报纸用了一大篇幅报导他, 好激励读者。
什么都没有,拿不到傲人的成绩, 成了家门之耻。


11 Triggers of Dry Eye, and What to Do About Them

Are your chronic eye symptoms due to dry eye syndrome? Here are some risk factors for dry eye, and what to do about them.

5 Ways To Be Luckier Every Day

Do you ever just feel unlucky? Always getting caught in a traffic jam when you're running late, or the printer runs out of ink five minutes before you're due to give a presentation?
Does everyone else around you seem to be getting their dream job, while, somehow, you never seem to be in the right place at the right time?
Believe it or not, people have studied luck. Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire, spent a decade following a group of people who claimed to be lucky and another of those who believed they were less fortunate. Wiseman and his team wanted to find out how those "lucky" few managed to glide through life from one opportunity to another seemingly without any problems. What was their secret? Was it inherited wealth, better social skills, or good looks?
Finally scientists found the truth. The difference between those lucky people and everyone else is stunningly simple: They believe they're lucky. No really, that's it. After following people for 10 years, the study from the University of Hertfordshire found that if you expect to be lucky, then you will be. It all comes down to how you view opportunities.
Once you change your perspective and realize that you can make your own luck, it opens you up to a world of opportunities. Here's how to make the most of your newfound knowledge:

1. Get out there.

You can't win the lottery if you never buy a ticket. Similarly, you can't find exciting new opportunities if you're not looking for them. I know going to networking events or starting a new class can be stressful, but it's a necessary evil. Think of it this way—the more people you meet, the more likely you are to meet someone who'll change your life.

2. Believe in better.

Research from the University of Pittsburgh has proved that optimistic people live longer and are healthier. But why? There is a psychological term known as "learned helplessness." This is when we become so used to a negative situation that we stop trying to change it, even when opportunities to escape are presented. When you have a negative attitude, this learned helplessness can prevent you from living your life to the fullest. Just because something seems impossible doesn't mean it actually is.

3. Ask the right questions.

If you have a goal to do something like write a book, then not only do you have to write the book—you have to get it out there. A book deal isn't going to just fall into your lap. You need to do your homework. If you can, talk to people who have done it. Ask questions about it. Approach it the same way you would an important project at work.

4. Take a leap.

The lucky people always seem to find a way to turn their passion into a career, no matter how obscure. What we forget is that these people didn't just magically become board game designers or yoga instructors overnight. At some point, they quit their normal jobs and poured all of their time and money into their passions. It can be very difficult to put yourself out there like that, especially if there's a lot at stake. But the benefits can be huge! And hey—it doesn't matter if you haven't exactly found your passion yet. I have a friend whose TEDx talk is all about how living a life of meaning and value is the way you find your passion.

5. Listen to your intuition.

Have you ever had one of those moments when you just know something is up? You go to work and you can't shake the feeling there's something wrong with the elevators, so you take the stairs, and halfway up there's a power outage? We all have some sort of intuition. I used to ignore this inner voice because it seemed so illogical to me. But once I started listening to my instincts, everything became easier. When you get a bad feeling about a person or job, listen. Check yourself to make sure your hesitance isn't just an excuse you're trying to give yourself because you're afraid. But if you check yourself and your gut still tells you something is amiss, listen to it. Trust yourself.

21 Hormone-Balancing Foods You Should Be Eating

You can feel better than ever with just a few smart diet choices.

November 12, 2015
Hormone-Balancing Foods
Your hormones are your body's control system. But in an age when hormone-disrupting chemicals lurk in processed foods, shampoos, and even scented candles and air fresheners, it doesn't take much to throw off that delicate balance. And out-of-whack hormones could affect almost every facet of your health, making it really hard to lose weight, have babies, and even feel happy. Unhealthy hormone levels can even increase your risk of certain cancers and other chronic diseases.

We turned to Natasha Turner, ND, author of the best-selling book, The Super-Charged Hormone Diet, to help ID the best hormone-balancing foods nature has to offer--a snapshot of nutritious foods and drinks that help you achieve hormonal balance, feel satisfied, fight disease, and lose fat.
Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, and cabbage, contain high amounts of phytonutrients called isothiocyanates, including indole-3-carbinol, which helps break down a harmful and potent estrogen metabolite that promotes tumor growth, especially in estrogen-sensitive breast cells.

In 2008, researchers at the University of California--Berkeley showed that indole-3-carbinol halts the growth of breast cancer cells and may also offer protection against the spread of cancer.

Dose Details: Just 2½ cups of broccoli a week is all you need to reduce your risk of several cancers, particularly those of the breast and prostate.

Flaxseed is full of lignans, phytoestrogenic compounds that have been proven to help protect us against certain kinds of cancers, especially breast, prostate, and colon.

Dose Details: Adding 2 to 3 tablespoons of flaxseed to your smoothies, oatmeal, salads, or cereals daily can reduce your cancer risk and also provide a dose of fiber and essential fatty acids.

Bonus tip: The oils in flaxseed can go rancid quickly, so be sure to purchase ground flaxseed in a vacuum-sealed package and store it in the freezer. Better yet, you can grind your own daily.

Green Tea
Green Tea
A 1999 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that green tea extract could significantly increase metabolism and fat burning. While caffeine does provide an energizing boost, the tea also offers calming effects because it contains theanine, a natural compound that blocks the release of cortisol--great for conquering belly fat!

Dose Details: Drink 4 cups of this tasty tea daily, and you can enjoy weight loss, possibly even without a change in diet and exercise.

red wine
Red Wine
The antioxidant polyphenols found in the skins and seeds of grapes, especially catechins and resveratrol, aid heart health, inhibit inflammation, and help prevent the development of certain cancers.

According to researchers from Northwestern University Medical School, many benefits of resveratrol in wine are in fact due to its estrogenic properties. When consumed with or after a meal, red wine is also a good digestive aid.

Dose Details:Healthy individuals should limit wine intake to 2 to 3 glasses a week. University of California--Davis researchers found cabernet sauvignon, petit syrah, and pinot noir boasted the highest levels of disease-fighting flavonoids.

Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
When we include them in our daily diet, monounsaturated fats such as those in olive oil encourage the release of our appetite-suppressing hormone leptin. Olive oil, in particular, has also been shown to improve our sensitivity to insulin.

Another perk? In a 2003 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, rats fed an olive oil--rich diet broke down more fat cells compared to the group fed soybean oil. (Soybean oil actually hindered healthy hormone production.)

Dose Details: Avoid industrial fats like margarine and use organic extra-virgin olive oil instead.

Avocados are rich in beta-sitosterol, a natural substance shown to significantly lower blood cholesterol levels. That same compound also helps to balance the stress hormone cortisol, and it may help restore low DHEA (a hormone produced by the adrenal gland) and decrease the inflammation typically associated with the stress of intense exercise.

Dose Details: Enjoy a quarter of an avocado per serving.

organic apples
Organic Apples
Apples contain quercetin, a flavonoid antioxidant and natural antihistamine. Like many other flavonoids, quercetin also has phytoestrogenic properties. A large Finnish study following more than 10,000 people for more than 30 years found eating a daily apple reduced the risk of almost every chronic disease associated with aging, including osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Dose Details: Just like the old saying, try to eat an organic apple a day to keep the doctor away!

chia seeds
Chia Seeds
Chia seed is a gluten-free ancient grain that can be added to just about any food. On a per-gram basis, chia seed is touted to be the highest source of omega-3s in nature and also the highest source of fiber!

Chia's hormonal benefits include stabilizing blood sugar, improved insulin sensitivity, and easing metabolic syndrome symptoms like blood pressure and blood sugar spikes.

Dose Details: Just 3½ ounces of chia seed offer an amazing 20 grams of omega-3s, which is equal to the amount in 1¾ pounds of Atlantic salmon.

Like avocados, most nuts are an excellent source of the plant sterol beta-sitosterol. Almonds, in particular, contain protein, fiber, plant sterols, and several other heart-healthy nutrients. Almonds are also known to slow the absorption of carbohydrates in the body, which may help with diabetes management.

Research from the University of Texas Health Science Center published in the journal Nutrition showed that walnuts are a source of melatonin, a hormone that promotes better sleep.

Dose Details: Just a small handful five times a week will provide an adequate dose of fats that will stimulate leptin release, which helps control your appetite.

Non-GMO, Organic Soy
Bone density, hormonal balance, and cholesterol levels change as we age, but a daily serving of soy can help lower cholesterol, keep bones strong, improve heart health, protect the prostate, and ease the symptoms of menopause.

The therapeutic effects of soy products--when consumed in moderation--come from the phytoestrogens naturally present in soybeans. Research from the University of Illinois also suggests soy protein may help to increase metabolism, manage weight, and limit the growth of fat cells. (Don't go for soy, however, if you've noticed it has caused you gas, bloating, or digestive problems in the past, or if you've had breast cancer.)

Dose Details: Just 1 cup of unsweetened, organic soy milk or yogurt, a handful of soy nuts, or a palm-size serving of tempeh can do the trick.

Dehydration increases the release of hormones, which stimulates our appetite. Sufficient water is crucial for preventing joint stiffness, weight gain, headaches, decreased athletic performance, and poor recovery after exercise.

Dose Details: In general, the 8-cups-a-day guideline is sufficient, but you should definitely drink more when you exercise or spend time in the sun.

whey protein
Whey Protein
Whey has been proven to promote fat loss, preserve muscle tissue, enhance immunity, aid insulin sensitivity, and support recovery after exercise. It's also a source of tryptophan, which can help raise serotonin levels and combat stress.

Dose Details: This powdered supplement is the most bioavailable source of protein we can get, making a scoop or two a great addition to smoothies and shakes.

Blueberries may help lower blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, as researchers in Canada have found. In a small study, overweight men at risk of heart disease and diabetes drank 1 cup of wild blueberry juice every day for three weeks. Their blood sugar dropped by roughly 10 percent, and their insulin resistance also fell compared with that of control-group participants who drank a placebo. The benefits may come from the effect of the fruits' high levels of anthocyanins on the pancreas, which regulates blood sugar by producing insulin.

Dose Details: Don't be afraid to add exotic berries into the mix, too. Researchers at the University of Florida have recently shown tropical açaí berries to be even higher in antioxidants than blueberries. Organic goji berries are high in fiber, antioxidants, and even protein. A tablespoon or two mixed with organic low-fat cottage cheese is a fantastic snack.

Cinnamon offers wonderful insulin-balancing effects. A study published in the journal Diabetes Care showed that ceylon cinnamon could cause muscle and liver cells to respond more readily to insulin. Better response to insulin means better blood sugar balance and, therefore, less insulin in your body.
We Like This: Frontier Natural Products Organic Ceylon Cinnamon

Dose Details: Add ceylon cinnamon to your food and hot drinks (including coffee) as often as possible. Just ½ teaspoon a day for 30 days is enough to significantly improve your insulin response and trim your waistline.

oat bran
Oat Bran
Oats are a good source of many nutrients including vitamin E, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, manganese, and magnesium. They are also packed with protein and fiber, which can help balance blood sugar and insulin while reducing cholesterol and heart disease risk. According to the American Cancer Society, the phytochemicals in oats may also have cancer-fighting properties.
We Like This: Bob's Red Mill Organic Oat Bran Hot Cereal

Dose Details: Oat bran makes a nice, comfy hot cereal snack. You can easily sneak oatmeal into many recipes, too.

Buckwheat offers us an alternative to wheat, one of the most highly allergenic foods and the grain we tend to most commonly overeat. Buckwheat is a gluten-free grain, making it an excellent choice for those with celiac disease, gluten sensitivities, or food allergies, or anyone undertaking an anti-inflammatory detox. It can be used as an alternative to rice or served as porridge.

High in protein and low on the glycemic index, your body releases less insulin after eating buckwheat compared to starches like rice, wheat, and corn.

Dose Details: Try substituting rice with a serving of homemade or store-bought buckwheat noodles. (They're often sold as Soba noodles.)

Organic Plain Yogurt
As a natural source of probiotics, yogurt promotes good digestion, restores healthy bacterial balance in the gut, aids the metabolism of estrogen, and supports healthy immunity.

Yogurt may also help trim your waistline by encouraging weight loss; as you're eating it, plain yogurt sends a strong message to your brain that you're full. (If you are lactose intolerant or have other sensitivities to dairy, however, you should leave this one out of your diet.)

Dose Details: Studies have shown that just ½ cup a day can lessen the frequency and severity of colds and flu.

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin have shown that pomegranate extract has anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties that are effective in suppressing cancer of the skin, breast, and colon.

The most powerful estrogen in the body, estradiol, plays an important role in the origin and development of breast cancers, most of which are hormone dependent in their early stages. Pomegranates possess natural compounds that inhibit the enzyme in women's bodies that converts the weak estrogen, estrone, into its most potent metabolite, estradiol.

Dose Details: Pure pomegranate juices or seeds are a great way to enjoy the healthy benefits of this tasty ruby-red fruit.

turmeric powder and root
Herbs and spices certainly add more than zesty flavor to our meals--many offer hormone-balancing effects, too. Garlic, rosemary, thyme, turmeric, ginger, cumin, curry, and cayenne pepper are particularly beneficial.
Turmeric (also called curcumin) is one of my personal favorites because it naturally reduces inflammation, pain, and swelling.

Dose Details: Be sure to add black pepper with turmeric--it biosynthesizes to create an even more potent effect.

Ginger is another fabulous seasoning proven to prevent and treat nausea from motion sickness, pregnancy, and chemotherapy. It's a potent antioxidant that works by blocking the potentially nauseating effects of serotonin on the gut.

Dose Details: Add fresh or powdered ginger to smoothies or look for nausea-easing, organic ginger lozenges.

dark chocolate
Dark Chocolate
A Finnish study found babies born to women who had eaten chocolate daily during pregnancy smiled and laughed more and were more active. Even the babies of stressed women who had regularly consumed chocolate during pregnancy showed less fear of new situations than babies of stressed moms-to-be who abstained. Dark chocolate boosts our endorphins and also contains tryptophan (a building block of serotonin) and the brain chemical phenylethylamine, known to promote our feelings of attraction, excitement, and love.

We Like This: Green & Black's Organic 70 Percent Cacao Dark Chocolate Bar
Dose Details: Eat one 1-inch block of dark chocolate a day. Look for organic versions that feature at least 70 percent cocoa.


猪现在的三餐多是吃蔬菜瓜果类。 偶尔蔬菜碗中加几片薄薄的肉片或鸡蛋增添点滋味。 吃素吃多了脸色也绿黄绿黄的。 本来都正在步入中老年人的步伐,脸色已经非常灰暗了,再加上营养不均匀的三餐。 猪脸越见丑陋,自己都不想看到镜中的自己。 这样的伙食也使猪脚步乏力,整天缺乏动力。 只想躺着不...