

  • 文章出處:康健雜誌106期
  • 2007.09.01
  • 作者 : 張靜慧
  • 圖片來源 : 康健雜誌




快樂是什麼?著有《僧侶與哲學家》、《快樂學》的佛教僧侶馬修.李卡德(MatthieuRicard)說過一個故事,有一次他有兩個朋友在雨季來到尼泊 爾,地上一片泥濘,一個朋友嫌惡地說:「如果我掉進這髒水怎麼辦?這個國家什麼都髒!」另一個卻在泥地的磚塊上蹦蹦跳跳,笑著說:「雨季最棒的就是沒有灰 塵。」










































  • 文章出處:康健雜誌162期
  • 2012.05.01
  • 作者 : 黃惠如
  • 圖片來源 : 天下資料












也許你無法像大前研一興趣如此廣泛,《錢與閒》的作者紐奧爾良商學院教授勒巴夫(Micheal LeBoeuf)建議,以下問題現在就要思考,以創造充實有趣的老年生活:















到底要存多少?先不要被千萬退休金的目標嚇跑,現在網路上提供許多試算程式,可以用最保守的推估試算後,若你認為法定提供的退休金,只能佔四成,波士頓大 學經濟系主任克里寇夫(Lourence J. Kotlikoff)在《世代風暴》建議,那必須自行補足其他三成,就需儲蓄目前薪水的一成至兩成,而且愈早開始愈好。






















這個世代習慣運用科技,如臉書、what’s App,更多元的聯絡管道,也讓「保持聯繫」,變得更容易。「以前和表妹大半年沒聯絡過一次,現在透過臉書知道她在關心什麼,一見面就有得聊,」李釧如說。

耶魯大學教授哈格(Pamela Haag)在她的新書《婚姻的祕密》指出,由於工時長,現在的同事變得像家人,配偶卻變得像同事。







  • 文章出處:康健雜誌189期
  • 2014.08.05
  • 作者 : 林貞岑
  • 圖片來源 : 陳德信
當壓力來臨,你用什麼態度面對它?以幽默出名的共和黨籍美國前總統雷根,1981年被人開槍 射傷,周遭嚴陣以待,他坐在輪椅上被推進開刀房,面對緊急生死關頭,他跟負責主刀的醫生開玩笑說,「我希望你們全是共和黨員。」自稱是民主黨員的外科醫生 莞爾:「總統先生,我們今天都是共和黨員。」當場化解緊繃氣氛。


引領心靈禪修風潮的比丘尼作家佩瑪‧丘卓援引腦科學家的發現,情緒從被觸發到自然結束只有90秒,但一般人碰上壓力、情緒就慌了手腳,甚至延伸各種想像, 讓壓力成為恐嚇身心的大怪獸,「就讓它走完一分半鐘的歷程,並全然開放地接納它,」她在新書《生命如此美麗:在逆境中安頓身心》提到。









美國奧克拉荷馬大學研究,處於中度壓力下的人,一天喝2.5~3杯咖啡,皮質醇會升高25%並持續三小時,如果喝6杯以上,皮質醇增加30%且維持一整 天。傍晚喝咖啡更是大忌,下午4點是壓力荷爾蒙分泌高峰,咖啡因推波助瀾,刺激身體分泌更多皮質醇,不僅晚上不好入睡並抑制性荷爾蒙生成,令人性趣缺缺, 建議下午4點後最好少碰咖啡。










每個人適應壓力變化的速度不同,芳香療法能喚醒身體本能對抗壓力,讓人更快適應改變,肯園香氣私塾暨Usha Veda自然療法學院芳療講師張錫宗說。





























Want to Be Successful? Spend More Time Staring Into Space

What You Can Do When Your Life Has Become a Mess

Coping with the things you can and can't control.
Posted Jun 21, 2016
Diego Cervo/ShutterstockYour home is in disarray, you’re behind on your bills, your In box is overflowing, and your cat is in need of a visit to the vet. There are things to be done everywhere you look, and you don’t know where to start. It seems like your life is a mess, and you don't know how to take control of it. You shouldn’t even be reading this article because you’ve got so much to do.
Fortunately, you have come to the right place: Psychology give us fantastic ways to cope with stress—and it is stress that’s causing you to feel this way. The field of stress and coping is one of the most prolific in psychology, and also one of the easiest to understand and apply to your life.
Some of the first forays into stress were conducted by the renowned physiologist Hans Selye, who defined the “General Adaptation Syndrome.” Selye proposed that we deal with stressful situations much as his lab animals did—by becoming alarmed, trying to resist, and eventually succumbing to exhaustion if the stress continues.
Unlike lab animals, humans possess “cognition,” meaning that we think about our experiences and decide whether they represent stress or not. Berkeley psychologist Richard Lazarus proposed that a situation is stressful only if we perceive it that way. A “threat” to you may be a “challenge” to someone else. You see a full inbox as presenting an insurmountable problem, but your best friend loves to tackle all of those emails in an efficient way, and even sees them as a testimonial to her importance to others.
Lazarus and his collaborator, Susan Folkman of the University of San Francisco, proposed that we deal with stress in two basic ways:
  • In problem-focused coping, we directly address the threat by trying to change the situation.
  • In emotion-focused coping, we try to make ourselves feel better about the threat.
Lazarus and Folkman’s research showed that there’s no one best way to cope. Whatever helps reduce your stress is the method that is best for you, although problem-focused coping is better when you can actually change a situation and emotion-focused is best when you can’t.
In the three-plus decades since these advances in defining stress and coping, hundreds of studies have further elucidated the relationships among stress, coping, and psychological well-being. University of Connecticut psychologists Kristen Riley and Crystal Park (2014) provide insight into how you can take the feeling of being overwhelmed by life’s messes and transform it into useful action that helps you turn a threat into a challenge.
According to Riley and Park, there is a third type of coping—meaning-focused coping—in which you change the way you approach a stressful situation and see it as providing you with an opportunity for growth. This is like looking for the silver lining after a relationship ends.
However, the silver lining may not always be so evident, nor may it provide you relief from the stress that's a result of feeling like your life is a mess. Riley and Park studied the possibility that by redefining a threat as a challenge, you can actually do a better job of feeling better. Instead of just refusing to open your In box (emotion-focused coping), you should see it as a challenge to your ability to tackle the task. Now you’ll confront the process more confidently, which allows you to eliminate this as a source of stress.
Riley and Park asked a sample of 284 undergraduates to complete a set of questionnaires at three time points over a three-month period to report on their reactions to the same, participant-defined, stressful event. The event they selected was prompted by the researchers to be “the worst ongoing thing you are dealing with,” or what is called a “chronic” stressor. Participants rated whether the event involved something truly serious, and whether they felt they could control the event. Outcomes included ratings by participants of their degree of stressful and depressive feelings.
The fact that the study allowed multiple assessments over time gave the researchers the chance to test a causal model in which they pitted problem-focused vs. meaning-focused coping as a way to reduce stress and depression. Riley and Park predicted that problem-focused coping would actually be better than meaning-focused coping at getting these chronic stressors to be perceived as controllable, and hence, better adjusted to by the participants. Although participants weren't able to reduce their stress entirely, by seeing themselves as able to manage the stress, participants did begin to tackle it.
The types of stresses identified by the University of Connecticut students were, as you might imagine, primarily academic in nature. Therefore, this study provides a good framework for thinking about the kind of stress that makes you feel that your life is a mess. Students have to balance their academic workload with jobs they need to help pay for school, as well as problems with roommates, parents, and other things going on in their lives. Feeling they had the resources to address their problems gave the students the energy they needed to help reduce their stress.
In your own life, redefining a “mess” as something that you can straighten out is the first step to take to make that mess more organized. Retreating into Facebook or your favorite video game won't help—although it may help you forget about things for a while. Instead, take those first steps; you’ll be able to see your mess as controllable, and one by one, its causes will go away.
Fulfillment in life doesn’t mean that things always go smoothly. Instead, when the going does get rough, see yourself in control of managing life’s messes. Eventually, your fulfillment will follow, one stress-reducing step at a time.


5 Habits Of Highly Desirable Women

Last week, I had an illuminating conversation with one of my clients, Ken. A surgeon with a thriving practice in New York City, Ken has the good looks of a Hollywood actor, and the down-to-earth charm of a Midwesterner. Unsurprisingly, people adore him.
Despite the sheer number of eligible women who find themselves smitten, Ken still finds himself yearning for what he describes as a “cool” woman.
“How do you define that?" I asked. "What would make you settle down?”
“I'd love a woman with a strong sense of herself. Someone who reads interesting books. And has strong opinions. Someone who is a little weird — a unique person. Finding someone ‘cool’ is much harder than you would imagine.”
It made me wonder: Are there certain traits that fuel desire?
I turned to my good friends Carolyn Byrne (a matrimonial attorney) and Aimee Hartstein (a relationship therapist), as they have witnessed hundreds of relationships progress from dating to marriage.
Together, we compiled the traits of certain women who seem to rack up a long line of suitors (and/or usually have a partner who is completely smitten). Below are the (uncommon) traits these enviable women share:
1. They don't rush into sex (especially not with people they don't know well).
Cool women enjoy sex, but prefer to wait if they are looking for serious commitment. Far from being constrained by “The Rules,” they understand that when introduced too soon, sex comes at a heavy price.
Sex releases Oxytocin — the body’s love drug. Many of my female clients have sex early and the release of chemicals has them mistaking a virtual stranger for their ‘perfect match.’ This illusion typically ends in devastation,” said Aimee the marital therapist.
Cool women see dating as an opportunity to evaluate different suitors, which necessitates a certain detachment and level-headedness. By putting sex on the backburner, these women can also distinguish between men looking for a relationship versus those just looking for a good time. Cool women are in no rush to move quickly, and aren’t pressured by anyone's impatience.
2. They are passionate — about their own lives.
Cool women do not cling to or suffocate their partners. They understand that men enhance their lives, but are not their lives.
“I often wonder whether a client really needs a dissolution of their marriage or instead a dismantling of their co-dependency. People benefit from separate interests and time apart, so that they can fuel their individual aspirations and appreciate coming together again,” said Carolyn Byrne the matrimonial attorney.
Whereas many women mistakenly merge their lives with their partner’s in hopes of greater closeness, cool women understand that independence actually fuels desire. Take, for example, a girlfriend who leaves her spouse annually to mountain climb around the world. Her husband brags about her fearlessness and counts down the days until her return home.
Cool women don’t waste time gossiping or worrying about the latest carb-free diet. They are busy milking life for all it’s worth and rarely lack for a funny story based on their own experience. These women have separate careers, interests, and/or bank accounts.
3. They are emotionally stable and resilient.
Cool women are overwhelmingly agreeable and content, reserving their anger for when it’s truly necessary.
“Most of us have had a job with a demanding and nitpicking boss,” said Aimee the relationship therapist. “Although these workplaces are dreadful, many unwittingly create the same type of atmosphere at home through constant nagging, fighting and drama — especially over small slights. For a relationship to be welcoming, love, support, and appreciation must be at the forefront.”
Cool women understand that happiness emanates from within, as opposed to an external source. They create stability by tending to their emotional needs from a variety of sources, thereby lessening the pressure on their partner. They spend time with girlfriends. They take classes that fuel their passions. They exercise regularly to burn off stress. Cool women inherently understand that a balanced life equals a happier relationship.
4. They know their boundaries, and aren't afraid to communicate them.
Cool women aren’t afraid to speak up, even if it ruffles a few feathers.
A male friend once dated a woman who would clean his house after sex ... and would do so naked. When he told this story for the first time to his (now) current girlfriend, she looked him dead in the eye and said, “That’s never happening with me. So, don’t even think about it.” Guess with whom he is head over heels in love? Yup: the woman who set boundaries with him.
Doormats don’t fuel desire. Cool women are not difficult or high-maintenance, but do expect a certain standard of treatment and aren’t afraid to voice their needs. By making their boundaries known, they attract partners who are deeply respectful and courteous.
5. They don't put the cart before the horse.
In a world that overwhelmingly pressures women to conform — what to eat, how much to weigh, when to marry and have children — cool women march to the beat of their own drum. They are worried less about arriving at a certain destination, and more about their companion for the ride.
“It’s incredibly devastating to wake up mid-life and realize that your life choices do not reflect you, but were merely an effort to keep up with the expectations of friends, family and society. I have many clients going through divorce who regret not putting more forethought into their choice of partner, as it’s the greatest predictor of lifelong happiness,” said Carolyn the matrimonial attorney.
Cool girls take their relationship day by day, evaluating how their partner treats them along the way. They would rather be with the right partner than any partner.
And by the way, I reviewed this list with Ken, the eligible bachelor. He couldn’t agree more.

6 Habits All Healthy Women Share

Discovered: unexpected everyday moves that add on years (in a good way!) See how many you're already doing and what to try next.

The Two Life-Changing Things I Learned From Having A Panic Attack

Did you know a panic attack can feel like a heart attack? I didn’t, but I do now.

08/21/2016 10:18 am ET | Updated 5 days ago 

Sara Cruz Success Mindset Coach, Motivator, Writer, Entrepreneur 

I thought I was having a heart attack.
I was home alone. My husband was shipped out on a deployment, and as I sunk to the floor in pain, I wondered how long it would be before someone found my dead body.
I was desperately trying to breathe, but with every gasp, my chest got tighter and tighter. The whole room was spinning. My body was tingling, and all I could do was lay there ― helpless.
I was 32. I had never heard of anyone having a heart attack at 32. From my physicals I was in good health, so what was happening to me?
Everything was in slow motion, and it was like a scene from a movie… I was physically there, but it felt as if I were watching what was happening.
Thankfully, slowly the room stopped spinning, the tingling began to disappear, and my lungs opened up. I watched my chest rise and fall as I began to breathe more easily, and I thanked God that it apparently wasn’t my time yet.  I immediately called the doctor and went in that day.
Did you know a panic attack can feel like a heart attack?
I didn’t, but I do now.
I had experienced a full-blown panic attack.
As I started to cry in the doctor’s office, wondering, “How could this happen? What is wrong with me?” The doctor started asking questions.  It only took a few questions, and her diagnosis was jaw-dropping.
Cause: Stress, anxiety and overwhelm.
I had literally brought this on myself.  It was my own doing and my own creation.
Her prescription… Re-evaluate my life.  Re-evaluate my schedule.  Rest more. Do less.
I was angry.  That wasn’t possible.  I demanded an alternative… a pill…something, but her answer never changed.
When I got home I cried out of frustration.  I had no idea how to rest more and do less.  I was going to school full time, working a full-time job, running a business part time, and handling life on my own with a husband on deployment.
As I swam in my puddle of tears… I realized something.
I had to change.  It was non-negotiable.  My health and life were at risk.
But how?
I spent a couple of days and analyzed everything about my life and the schedule I had created. There were two main reasons I discovered caused my panic attack. Once I identified them, I got to work changing them, and years later… I haven’t looked back.

1. Over-Committing: SayingYes When It Should Be No

At that time I had committed to work full time, school full time, my business and life. When I actually scheduled all that out, that wasn’t the problem. I actually could make that work.  It was everything else. Everything I said yes to.  At that point in my life I don’t think no was a part of my vocabulary.
Can you pick up an extra shift? Yes. Can you do extra work on this project? Yes.  Can you attend the clean-up of the community center on Saturday?  Yes.  Can you take me here?  Yes.  Can you pick this up for me?  Yes.
I actually had time for what I needed to do, but I didn’t have time with all of my over-commitments from always saying YES.
I was the poster child of a people-pleaser.  I wanted to make everyone happy.  I wanted everyone to like me, but what was that costing me? My health!
I shifted my thinking and decided that if it weren’t an absolute yes, and I mean something that felt really good, then it was a no.
I started having more time to eat, to sleep and to relax.  I performed well at work, received straight As in college, and all of my life responsibilities got accomplished.  People still liked me, and I didn’t lose any friends by adding no to my vocabulary.  What a liberating realization for me.
Years later, if it not an absolute yes, it is still a no.

2. Lack Of Self-Care

By over-committing I had stopped taking care of myself.  I barely ate most days, if I ate at all.  I slept maybe four hours a night if I was lucky.  I stopped reading for enjoyment.  I stopped taking walks on the beach.  I stopped working out.  Everything I used to do for my well-being, I’d stopped completely and replaced with something else.  No wonder my health declined!
I began to make time for me.  I started eating, sleeping, and doing activities that rejuvenated my mind, body, and soul.  The reality of the true value of self-care came to light, and I realized I actually had more energy when I gave time to myself.  I was able to accomplish more and give more when I made time to fuel my mind, body, and soul.
I created new and non-negotiable daily self-care habits.  These included journaling, meditating, eating healthy, sleeping, and spending time outdoors daily.  All of these are mandatory in my life now, and no matter what is going on, I give to myself daily.
It has been over two years since my panic attack, and I never imagined how different my life would be.  Those moments on the floor with my body giving up was a blessing.
I am happy, healthy and more accomplished that ever before.  I am still a driven person.  I am still the woman who has big dreams and is always working toward something more, but now I don’t over-commit and I take care of myself.
You are important.  Your physical and emotional health matters.  If it’s not an absolute yes, it’s a no, and taking care of yourself is a requirement.  Your life depends on it.
I would love to hear from you.  How do you take care of yourself?  Share with us in the comments!

How You'll Finally End Up With the Right Partner

Expert advice to stop repeating mistakes and get your needs met.
Posted Oct 26, 2015 
 Antonio Guillem/ShutterstockCynthia (not her real name) sits across from me in therapy, crying over Marty, her most recent boyfriend. He broke up with her out of the blue, and we’re sorting through the pieces.
“He wasn’t affectionate, never gave me compliments,” she sobs. “But I really thought he loved me.”
Even though she and Marty had been having problems, Cynthia thought he might be "The One." It wasn’t the first time. She sighs heavily in frustration, “Why do I always end up with guys who don't stick around?”
It’s a good question, and there’s likely an answer in Cynthia’s past that she can address in the present to protect her future.
The Repetition Compulsion
We tend to seek out relationships that remind us of ones that disappointed us in the past, and try for a second chance at making it work. Freud called it the repetition compulsion, and in order for this to work, we need to find a situation or person similar enough to remind us, often subconsciously, of the first one. The hope is to get it right this time, to receive the love, respect or visibility we didn’t get before, and change the ending to a happy one. But unmet emotional needs keep us chained in old habits—and the hoped-for perfect do-over becomes a perfect replay of disappointment.
The Need for Safety
The needs we all have as children—food, shelter, clothing, safety, affection and belonging—don’t go away when we become adults. We still need all of those things, and we look for them in our relationships. But our ability to get those needs met depends on how well they were met in the first place.
Let’s say your need for physical safety was met early in your life; you never felt unsafe in your home. You now carry that sense of safety with you, and you feel essentially safe as you go about your day—that is, until something suddenly feels dangerous. There’s a contrast between the safety you normally feel and the lack of safety you experience when danger is present. Since you know what safety feels like, alarm bells go off when a situation starts to feel unsafe. Your continuing need for safety motivates you to remove yourself as quickly as you can from the situation.
On the other hand, if your need for safety was never adequately met, you don’t know what it feels like to be truly safe. A dangerous situation may not cause alarm bells to ring because there’s not enough of a change (from feeling safe to feeling unsafe) to trigger that alarm. You might end up in harm’s way more often than someone who enjoys a sense of safety.
Unmet Emotional Needs
The same holds true for other needs, like emotional visibility, appreciation, and respect. If those needs have never been adequately met for you, you won’t have the radar to avoid people who will fail you in those areas. You won’t see the red flags at the beginning of a relationship. In fact, such relationships might even be attractive because they’re familiar enough to appeal to that repetition compulsion. You might unconsciously think, "Maybe this time, I can get some affection out of this non-affectionate person. I can have my happy ending."
Until unmet emotional needs become conscious, unsatisfying relationship patterns tend to continue.
Be Your Own Loving Partner First
The next time a relationship begins to cause you chronic emotional pain, focus on your own heart. Don’t think about your partner, and what he or she is doing wrong and what they need to do to give you what you need. Instead, put words to your feelings: “I’m feeling lonely/abandoned/worthless/unlovable.” Concentrate on the emotions inside you, not the other person. Allow yourself to cry if you feel like it. Speak kindly and softly to yourself while you do it. Say things like, “I’m so sorry for you,” or, “I’m here with you, it’s okay to let it out.”
If you feel angry, ask yourself what is underneath the anger, fueling it. It is probably a more vulnerable emotion such as sadness or fear. Let yourself experience that: There’s nothing wrong with feeling that way. The more attention you pay to your emotions, and the longer you sit with them, the more you’ll be able to resolve them and help yourself heal.
Along the way you’ll get plenty of practice with self-compassion, which will create a contrast when you don’t receive compassion from others. You’ll learn to avoid those who don’t treat you as well as you now treat yourself.
Unmet emotional needs don’t have to seal your fate. You can start to meet your own needs right this minute, and begin a new cycle of positive relationships.


How To Overcome Your Social Anxiety

Simple strategies to help tame your debilitating worrying.

August 23, 2016
 social situation
Most of us can relate to feeling anxious before a big speech, a job interview, or a first date. But for some, the experience is much more than butterflies in the stomach.
If you worry a great deal about what others think of you, you have social anxiety. You might be uncomfortable returning items to a store or ordering pizza over the phone. You might avoid social gatherings. You may have few or no close friends. Perhaps you’ve turned down job promotions because you feared needing to make presentations. Maybe you even use alcohol or drugs to feel more comfortable in social situations.

When social anxiety ramps up to this point—where you’re living your life based on fear—it’s morphed into what’s termed "social anxiety disorder."
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, social anxiety disorder is characterized by an extreme fear of judgment and scrutiny in social and performance situations. It’s a serious, real, and treatable disorder. According to the ADAA, about 15 million American adults struggle with social anxiety disorder, making it one of the most common psychiatric disorders, second only to depression.
signs and symptoms of social anxiety
Source: Fix.com

Signs and Symptoms

The symptoms of social anxiety disorder fall into three categories: mental, physical, and behavioral. People with social anxiety are plagued by negative thoughts and beliefs about themselves. With the fear of possible rejection or disapproval being foremost in their minds, they scan their surroundings for any signs that confirm their negative expectations.
Physical symptoms most commonly include blushing, sweating, and shaking. Full-blown panic attacks, in which a rush of physical sensations bombards them all at once, are not uncommon.
Finally, people with social anxiety may go to great lengths to avoid the situations they fear.
getting to know your social phobia
Source: Fix.com

Do you have a problem?

Because we all have some degree of social anxiety, how do you know whether you have a problem? Start with these questions:
Do you feel extremely uncomfortable in social situations?
Do you consistently avoid social situations?
Are you self-conscious and believe everyone is watching you?
Do you constantly worry about what you do and say?
Do you worry a great deal about doing something embarrassing?
Do you worry for weeks before the dreaded situation?
Do you critically analyze your own performance after the situation?
The more of these questions you answer “yes” to, the more likely it is you have social anxiety disorder.
social phobia myths
Source: Fix.com

Positive Thinking Versus Realistic Thinking

When feeling anxious, you’re likely to give yourself a pep talk and say things like, “Don’t worry. It’s no big deal.” Similarly, other people may tell you to “think positive.” Although well meaning, this advice is not particularly useful. What’s needed is not positive thinking but realistic thinking.
Two types of unrealistic thinking contribute to social anxiety. First of all, you may overestimate how likely it is that something bad will occur. Second, you may exaggerate how bad it would be if the feared thing actually did happen.
Let’s look at an example in which Jennifer is worried about an upcoming business lunch she will be attending. She may have anxious thoughts running through her head such as: What if I don’t have anything in common with the other people there? What if there are awkward silences?
What could be a calming, realistic way for Jennifer to think about the lunch? Jennifer realizes that she may or may not have much in common with the other people there, but she at least does “OK” at these meetings. Even if she does not have much to offer, she can always ask people questions about themselves to show an interest in them. And even if there are some awkward silences, it’s not the end of the world. She can focus on trying to be helpful to the other attendees, to meet their needs. That’s what they are likely to remember.

What can you do?

belly breathing
Source: Fix.com
But what if you feel out of control physically—rapid heartbeat, trembling and clammy hands, perhaps even some dizziness? These sensations can be so unnerving.
When you are anxious, you tend to breathe in a shallow and rapid manner. This can cause you to feel dizzy and short of breath. With practice, though, you can change this.
While sitting or lying down, place one hand on your chest and one on your belly. Take a deep breath and try to have your belly move more than your chest. Feel your belly rise as your lungs fill with air. Once you are able to do this, you have succeeded with the first step in learning belly breathing. Next practice breathing in slowly to a count of four and exhaling slowly to a count of four. Practice breathing with this steady rhythm, in and out. Notice how you feel more relaxed. Practice this several times a day for a few minutes at a time.
Belly breathing allows your body to calm down. With practice, belly breathing will help you be more relaxed, and no one will even know you are doing it.
When things make you anxious, you may find may find yourself developing a pattern of avoidance. For example, if you hate having to stand in front of a group to do any kind of presentation, you may not take a job that required this. Avoidance may temporarily help you feel better, but you never learn how to overcome the fear.
Most people find that gradually confronting their fears, one small step at a time, is what helps the most. For example, John hated any type of public speaking. When his therapist asked what first step he might be able to take, even though it still made him anxious, he thought he could ask one question in a meeting at work. There was a specific question he had regarding a new project a team was working on, and he planned what he would ask.
He was quite nervous ahead of time and practiced his belly breathing. He also used realistic thinking by reminding himself that he had a legitimate question and that others in the meeting likely would focus on the answer to the question rather than on him. He felt considerable relief when he was able to follow through. Over time, he gradually became more open to talking in front of the group.
Even if you do everything suggested here, you may still struggle. Sometimes it seems that the more we “fight” our anxiety, the more it fights back. Keep in mind though, you are not a “failure” if you feel anxious—you are human.
This article was originally published by Fix.com.


The 100-Percent Rule: The Simple Advice That Changed My Life


  • 文章出處:康健雜誌170期
  • 2013.01.01
  • 作者 : 林芝安
  • 圖片來源 : 周書羽















經常深呼吸可幫助心安定下來,也是精神科醫師引導個案放鬆身心的重要技巧。楊聰財建議每天做80次腹式呼吸,可分四段,每段20次,採鼻子吸氣、嘴巴吐氣 的方式;吐氣時,想像正把內在的不快樂一點一點地吐出去,吐到盡頭;吸氣時,彷彿把外在陽光空氣美好的正面能量深深吸進來,身體充滿朝氣。















① 一個月來,覺得自己每天日常生活的起居有規律。

② 最近這一個月,每天晚上能定時上床睡覺。

③ 這個月來,每天早上醒來覺得精神飽滿,感覺到活力充沛。

④ 最近一個月來,每天的日常生活中都有安排一段放鬆時間。

⑤ 這一個月來,覺得自己每天皆能認真做事。

⑥ 最近一個月來,覺得自己每天會關心到別人。

⑦ 最近一個月來,每天均感受到自己過得有價值,有意義。

⑧ 這一個月來,每天臨睡前都覺得自己過得很充實。

⑨ 最近一個月來,有參與各種社交活動,例如親友或同事聚餐、聚會、聽演講、郊遊、爬山、逛百貨公司、教會、廟會活動等。

⑩ 這一個月來,有機會和親友同事聊天,分享生活點滴、談新聞、聊工作、家事等。








● 80分以上:恭喜你,腦功能良好

● 60~80分:尚可,繼續維持並多一些努力

● 60分以下:有待加強,重新審視並安排工作和生活吧


The One False Belief Holding You Back

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Posted Aug 08, 2016 
 All kind of people/ShutterstockThis summer I was in one of those tourist traps that sell insipid signs like, “I’m on Lake Time” or “Love You More.”  They also had one I’ve never seen before, and it has stuck with me ever since. It said, “Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone.”
Damn right.
The one false belief holding you back is that you think that your past determines who you are. If that were true, no one would ever overcome adversity, benefit from a second chance, or improve themselves through education, self-discipline, or perseverance.
Your past actions, good and bad, can be judged by you and by others. You can learn from your errors as well as your successes. Others can think what they will, but neither your reflections on your past nor others’ opinions of you determine who you are now or in the future.
Believing that your past defines who you are is a toxic fallacy. Consider a circus elephant chained by one leg to a stake in the ground: Why doesn’t the elephant just pull the stake loose and wander away? Because it couldn’t do so when it was young. And so the adult elephant is still restrained—not by the chain, but by its past, or rather, the learned associations from its past (Chain around leg means “can’t walk”).
Cognitive dissonance is the culprit that motivates us to maintain the belief that what we were in the past is all that we ever will be. Leon Festinger originated the concept back in the 1950s. He also proposed the principle of cognitive consistency—that is, that we seek to maintain mental and emotional balance by thinking and acting in compliance with who we think we are. And who do we think we are? The same person we have always been. And so when we attempt to think and act differently, cognitive dissonance sets in.
Here’s the trick— metacognition. That simply means being able to observe one’s own thinking and feelings objectively and unemotionally, so that one can assess what may be “pushing our buttons.” If you want to change but experience cognitive dissonance in the process, metacognition can help you identify dissonance as a normal but unhelpful reaction. With effort you can then master the dissonance and proceed with the changes you want to make, until those changes become the new normal.
Are you chained to the past? If so, that chain exists only in your mind. You can remember and reflect on the past without being defined and limited by it.
What’s stopping you? Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.


5 Reasons Singles Should Stop Worrying


猪现在的三餐多是吃蔬菜瓜果类。 偶尔蔬菜碗中加几片薄薄的肉片或鸡蛋增添点滋味。 吃素吃多了脸色也绿黄绿黄的。 本来都正在步入中老年人的步伐,脸色已经非常灰暗了,再加上营养不均匀的三餐。 猪脸越见丑陋,自己都不想看到镜中的自己。 这样的伙食也使猪脚步乏力,整天缺乏动力。 只想躺着不...