
9 Things Your Gynecologist Wishes You'd Stop Doing

Things your gynecologist wishes you'd stop doing

Chances are, you have several criteria for your gynecologist: be nice, nonjudgmental, punctual, and super-knowledgeable about your nether regions. But guess what? Your doc wishes you'd follow some rules, too—we know, because we asked a few. (Check out these 7 facts about your vagina that you didn't know, but definitely should.) Below, gynecologists share the top 9 habits they wish you'd quit. To make the most of your visits, heed their advice.
Believing everything you read on the Internet
Constantly searching for your symptoms online? Google with caution. Doing some research on reputable websites like Mayo Clinic, MedlinePlus, and Cleveland Clinic is an OK place to start, but an office visit is always required to pinpoint an accurate diagnosis, says Katharine Taber, MD, FACOG, an ob-gyn and director of the Women's Wellness Center at Northwest Hospital in Maryland. Some common incorrect self-diagnoses she hears? Mistaking a pimple for herpes, a rash for inflammatory breast cancer, and normal fatigue for HIV.

Hanging out in sweaty gym clothes
Take off your sweaty gym clothes
Photograph by Anna Sirotina/Getty Images
We get it. You're busy, and it's tempting to immediately start dinner or run a few errands after a sweat session—but don't do it. Women should immediately take off sweaty gym clothes because yeast tends to grow in warm, moist environments and can lead to infection, says Taber. In fact, yeast infections, irritation, redness, and vaginitis are so common that the printed materials Taber gives to patients at every appointment include this very suggestion. And while she recommends working out in fabrics that wick away moisture, Taber suggests wearing 100% cotton underwear once you're finished exercising—it's more breathable. (Balance your hormones and lose up to 15 pounds in 3 weeks with The Hormone Reset Diet.)
Enduring painful sex
If you dread intercourse more than you look forward to it, ask yourself if it's because it hurts—and if so, tell your doc. Painful sex could be caused by a number of possible reasons, explains Michelle Germain, MD, FACOG, an ob-gyn and chief of the division of gynecology at MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital in Baltimore. Among them are vaginal infection, constipation, fibroids, endometriosis, and ovarian cysts, all of which your doc can help with. (Here are 5 surprising symptoms of endometriosis you should be familiar with.)

Confusing your gynecologist for your primary care provider
Ever start your annual gynecological exam by mentioning your achy knee, sore throat, or eczema? While gyns do overlap a lot with family practice (especially during pregnancy), "we can't fix everything," says Arlene Kaelber, MD, an ob-gyn at Stony Brook University Hospital in New York. "In general, if your concern involves a region of the pelvis or a breast question, it's safe to contact your gynecologist." For everything else, see your primary care physician.
Answering your cell phone during exams
Don't talk on your cell phone during your appointment
Photograph by daboost/Getty Images
Yes, this happens. "I once had a patient participate in a parent-teacher conference while I was doing her pelvic exam," confesses Kaelber. Despite the age of computerized electronic medical records in the exam room, Kaelber still believes the best patient-physician interactions occur with direct eye contact. "Your appointment is the opportunity to ask me questions and for me to give you information, so paying attention is key."
Self-treating what you think is a yeast infection
Many women buy over-the-counter yeast infection medication at the first sign of vaginal discharge or itching. But if it's not a yeast infection, doing so will only delay a proper diagnosis and make symptoms worse in the meantime, says Sheryl Ross, MD, FACOG, an ob-gyn at Providence Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica. "Vaginal cultures can and should confirm what organism is causing your symptoms so the best treatment can be prescribed." Other conditions that mimic a yeast infection include a bacterial infection; latex, spermicide, or other contact allergies; and possibly sexually transmitted infections. (Look out for these ingredients in your lubrication to avoid yeast infections.)
Assuming that heavy menstrual bleeding is normal
No matter your age or how close to menopause you think you are, get examined if you're soaking through pads or tampons every 2 hours or have to rely on dual protection—like a pad and a tampon—to avoid an accident. The average blood loss during an entire menstrual period (generally 3 to 7 days for most women) should be about 80 milliliters, or 5 tablespoons, says Kevin J. Lee, MD, FACOG, an ob-gyn at MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital in Baltimore. "There are many medications and minimally invasive surgical options available for women with heavy menstrual bleeding, and nobody should be told to just live with it every month." Hormonal treatment, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (like ibuprofen), and the Mirena IUD are some of the ways to treat heavy bleeding.
Squeezing everything into emergency appointments
When a patient calls with a pressing issue, Jason James, MD, an ob-gyn at FemCare Ob-Gyn in Miami, like most docs, always finds a way to see her immediately. But in doing so they're bypassing a line of other patients, possibly even bumping ones scheduled at the same time. "So please don't ask us to address every laundry list issue on that visit, as well as complete your annual preventative physical exam since you're in the office anyway."
MORE: 7 Things Your Poop Says About Your Health
Wearing thongs (and even panty liners)
Stop wearing thongs
Photograph by Morten Olsen/Getty Images
Finally, a great excuse to ditch uncomfortable underwear: Taber says thongs can pull and rub the skin, causing irritation, and panty liners don't always allow ventilation. Without air circulating, the region can become chafed or more susceptible to a yeast infection, she adds. "Remember, the skin in that area is among the most sensitive on the body."




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