
9 Books To Read If You Struggle With Anxiety

1. 'Hardcore Self Help: F**k Anxiety' by Robert Duff, Ph.D.


If traditional self-help books feel too soft for your tastes, then Hardcore Self Help: F**k Anxiety may be more to your liking. Written in a conversational tone (with enough swearing to make a sailor blush), this book offers information and advice about anxiety in a humorous, entertaining way.

2. 'The Mindfulness And Acceptance Workbook For Anxiety' by John P. Forsyth and Georg H. Eifert, Ph.Ds 


To actively work on getting your anxiety under control, The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety may be an excellent choice. By learning to accept your anxious responses instead of just struggling to push past them, this book may help you reclaim your life from anxiety.

3. 'Anxious In Love' by Carolyn Daitch Ph.D. and Lissah Lorberbaum MA 


Anxiety may complicate your relationships, but you and your partner can find ways to work through it. As demonstrated in the book Anxious in Love, there are easy techniques you can use to soothe your anxiety and maintain great communication with your SO.

4. 'The Grace Of Crows' by Tracy Shawn


In Tracy Shawn's novel The Grace of Crows, the protagonist suffers from a devastating anxiety disorder. But as she addresses her family's many problems, as well as the needs of a long-lost friend, she begins to find ways of overcoming her fears.

5. 'On the Outside Looking In' by Daniela Grazia 


Daniela Grazia's On the Outside Looking In is a powerful memoir of the author's struggle with her anxiety. She gets very specific with the details of her disorder (such as the intense struggle to make small talk with coworkers) in ways that might hit home.

6. 'Monkey Mind: A Memoir Of Anxiety' by Daniel Smith


Not all books about anxiety are full of doom and gloom. In fact, Monkey Mind: A Memoir of Anxiety is pretty hilarious. He analyzes — and makes fun of — the disorder in an uplifting way.

7. 'Walking on Custard & the Meaning of Life' by Neil Hughes


Another humorous take on anxiety, Neil Hughes' Walking on Custard & the Meaning of Life is a (sort of) self help book. His comedic take on managing anxiety, told with a variety of fictitious stories and graphs, helps take some of the sting out of the disorder.

8. 'I Don't Want To Be Crazy' by Samantha Schutz


Is there poetry in disorder? Samantha Schutz's I Don't Want To Be Crazy is a poetic memoir of the author's struggle with an anxiety disorder as a young adult. Chances are, you will recognize yourself among her lines.

9. 'Meditation and Mindfulness for Beginners' by Chris Douglas


Could meditation help calm your mind? It may be worth a shot. Chris Douglas' Meditation and Mindfulness For Beginners provides easy-to-follow instructions on how to meditate. You can start practicing in no time.




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