
How to Shrink Your Waist And Fit Into Those Jeans

Frank Heckers

Moves to help you lose up to 8 inches in just 6 week

From Health magazine
Shape up below the belt with these moves from Molly Fox, creator of the popular Skinny Jeans Workout class, taught at Equinox Fitness Clubs across the country. Her six-week plan will erase up to 2 inches from your hips, butt, thighs, and belly. No more too-tight jeans!

1. Squats

Stand with feet hip-distance apart and slightly turned out. Hold a 3-pound weight in each hand, arms by your sides. Lower into a squat, keeping upper body as upright as possible while reaching arms forward (as shown). Return to starting position. Do 20 reps.

Trainer Tip: In the squat, your knees should be over your second toes. To keep knees from turning outward, tighten your inner-thigh muscles.

2. Leg lifts

A. Begin on all fours with your knees hip-width apart, holding the end of a 3-pound weight in your left hand.

B. Raise your right leg out and back so it’s straight and in line with your torso; at the same time, raise your left arm out to the side until it’s in line with your shoulders. Hold for a moment, then return to starting position. Do 20 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

Trainer Tip: Concentrate on keeping your weight centered. You should feel your core working.

3. Lunges

A. Stand with feet a little more than hip-width apart, left foot in front of right. Hold a 3-pound weight in each hand, with arms by your sides and palms forward.

B. Drop back knee toward floor and bend front knee until it is directly over your ankle. At the same time, bend arms as you lift them out and up until elbows are in line with shoulders and bent to 90-degree angles. Return to starting position. Do 20 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

Trainer Tip: Focus on dropping your hips toward the floor.t-balance-arm-raise

4. T-Balance with arm raise

A. Stand with feet together and arms by your sides, holding a 3-pound dumbbell in each hand. Slowly tilt forward at the waist while lifting your left leg behind you, so leg and upper body are parallel to the floor; let your arms hang down. Hold for 5 seconds.

B. Raise both arms out to the sides to shoulder height. Hold for 5 more seconds, then slowly lower. Return to starting position. Do 6 reps, then switch legs and repeat.

Trainer Tip: It’s OK to wobble—it simply means you’re working your muscles.




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