
Get Your Butt in Shape

Tone your tush with this fast-paced routine designed by Eric Paskel, the man behind Xflowsion.

Tone your tush

From Health magazine
Bust stress and tone your tush with this fast-paced routine designed by Eric Paskel, the man behind Xflowsion, a combination of martial arts, freestyle dance, and yoga that’s been kicking butts—including those of celebrities like Jessica Biel—at clubs across the country.

Put on your favorite music and do each of these moves for 2 minutes, 4 days a week for a month. You’ll lose up to 5 inches off your hips and thighs.

The kicking airplane

For butt, legs, abs, and balance

With your right leg slightly bent, lift your left leg behind you as high as is comfortable. Raise both arms out to your sides. Bring your left knee toward your chest, and crunch your torso toward your knee while squatting slightly with your right leg. At the same time, make fists in front of your face. Then, raise your torso and kick your left leg back behind you to complete the rep. Do 10 reps with your left leg, then switch legs and repeat. Alternate for 2 minutes.

Criss cross

For arms and shoulders

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, fists near your chin. Twisting with your core, punch across your body at shoulder-level with your right fist, extending your right arm. Pull your right fist back toward your body and punch with your left fist. Repeat 3 times with each fist. Next, drop your fists to chest-level. Keeping your elbows bent at about 90 degrees, twist right and punch up with your left fist. Then twist left and punch up with your right fist. Repeat three times with each fist, then start over; continue pattern for 2 minutes.

Trainer tip: As you get comfortable, create your own combination of punches.

Flying side kicks

For hips, butt, and abs

Stand with your feet about hip-width apart. Exhale and squat, bringing your fists to your face. Don?t let your knees go past your toes. Inhale, raise your left knee, and kick your left leg out to the side, heel first. Lower your left leg and return to squat position. Repeat with your right leg. Alternate sides for 2 minutes.

Trainer tip: Remember to breathe through your nose; this will help keep your heart rate under control even while you?re working hard.




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