You can always share more, but can never take something back once you say it.
By Quora

Answer by Keith Andrew, SaaS Growth Hacker and Digital Marketing Pioneer, on Quora:
It's natural to want to earn more money during a salary negotiation. After all, for most of us we do not get the opportunity to make big jumps in salary very often.
I have interviewed hundreds of folks throughout my career. By far I think the worst mistake people make during salary negotiations involves offering too much information too quickly.
Here's a few things you should never share too early:
Your age
It's your business and nobody else's. This can hinder your ability to get a higher salary. Never share your age.
Your previous compensation
You might have made a huge jump at your last jump. If you are share you just got "X" percent raise, the company will believe you will be satisfied with less.
A "minimum" salary
Once you provide a quick "bare minimum" requirement the floor is set for how low the company can go. You should qualify yourself if you feel like you are out of their price range, but only do so when they ask.
Your financial situation
It might be tempting to be transparent about how much money you "need" to survive. Similar to age that is not relevant to the conversation.
How much Dave (name changed) makes at Twitter
Bringing another person into your salary negotiation shows immaturity. This is about your value and yours alone.
Your health
If you have medical bills or personal financial challenges, this is not the place for a pity party.
Overall salary negotiations do not have to be painful if you are mindful and think deeply about each step of the process.As usual if you are in doubt about what to share, take a step back and research it first.